Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/449

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HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 389 Illation is 422. Blodgett is situated iu the midst of fine farming country and enjoys the distinction of shipping more watermelons than any other station in the world. During the season of 1911 there were shipped 600 cars of this fruit. MORLEY ]Iorley is a town on the Belmont branch of tlie Iron Mountain in Scott, and was for a number of years the shipping point for the county seat, Benton. It was laid out as a town in 1869 and incorporated in 1872, the first mayor being James Bardwell. The first merchants were B. D. Gaither, W. A. Cade, Hughes and Watkins and J. T. Anderson & Brother. There are now three general stores and two cotton gins. The first mill was built by F. C. Martin & Brother. The town is sit- uated in the midst of fine farming counti-y and ships a great deal of surplus produce every year, including many cars of melons. The soil in the immediate vicinity of the town seems to be especially suited for the produc- tion of canteloupes. The Scott County Bank was organized in 1891 and has a capital of .+15.000. The population is 494. Chaffee The town of Chaffee, in Scott county, was laid otif iu August, 1905. The land on which the town is situated was purchased by officials of the Frisco Railroad and laid off into town lots. Shortly after its establishment the town was made the division point of the Frisco road and the repair shops removed to this point from Cape Girardeau. The first mayor of the town was R. J. Wright and its first mer- chants were Wright IMercantile Company and II. A. Osman. Besides the smaller establish- ments, such as restaurants, drug stores, etc.. there are four general stores in the town, all of them carrying complete stocks of goods. There are also two factories, one a general lumber manufacturing company, the other is engaged in the manufacture of hoops. Chaffee State Bank was organized in 1906 with a cap- ital of $10,000. The town is lighted with electric lights. Among the important build- ings are the Astoria Hotel, bank buildings and the offices of the railroad company. The town now has a population of 2,082. Vanduseb Vanduser in Scott county is on the St. Louis & Gulf branch of the Frisco and is the terminus of the Bloomfield branch. It has a population of 338. The Bank of Vanduser was organized in 1907 and its capital stock is $10,000. The town is supported by the farm- ing country around it which is very fertile and productive. Dexter Dexter is situated not far from the center of Stoddard county. It is on the east side of Crowley's ridge, the site of the town being about seventy -five or one hundred feet higher than the level plains to the east and south. It was laid out as a town in 1873. The advan- tages of the place for a town are very great and immediately after the site was surveyed a sale of lots took place and stores began to be opened. Among the early merchants were : R. P. Liles & Co., William Edwards, J. N. Miller, Sisel & Plant, and Riggins & Co. At a later time the leading merchants were Mil- ler, Ladd & Co., Dowdy & Co., Edw. Webber, T. N. Doherty, R. A. Sisler & Co., J. J. Dowdy, T. S. Ulen. A. E. Bohlcke, E. E. Car- ter and J. R. Clark. Copper & Jorndt were millers. Miller, Ladd & Co. also operated a