Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/48

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xlu INDEX McKenzie, David H., 807 Mackley, Andrew P., 863 McLane, William, 270 McLaiie, W. H., 343 McLaughlin, Michael, 290 Maclird, Thomas H., 343 McMasters, John, 307 McMillan, Albert C, 1016 McMillan, William J., 1056 McMinn, Sam J., 658 McMullin, Frank M., 1104 McMullin, R. W., 535, 796 McMurtry, William, 208 McNails, Joseph, 311 McNelly, Eugene T., 425 McNeil, John, 335 McNiel, Oscar, 1082 Macom, William, 469 Madden, Thomas, 62 Madison County, 167, 177, 514 Magness, Perry G., 155 Mails, 192 Maisonville, 42 Malcolm, Pleasant il., 1264 Maiden, 374 Maiden Christian (.'hureh, 495 "Maiden Clipper," 533 Maiden Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 493 Malone, Elias J., 1194 Maltus, C. F.. 482 Malugen, John H., 771 Manitous, 24 Mann Brothers, 266 Mann, David H., 1076 Mantler, S. C, 277 Mantz, Ernst, 480 Manufactures, 362 Manufacturing, 446 Maple, J. C, 199, 465 Maramec Baptist Association, 478 Maramec River, xii Marble City Guards, 348 Marble Citv Mill, 256 ' ' Marble City News, ' ' 530 Marble Hill,' 280, 313 Marble Hill Northern Presbyterian Cluircli. 492 Marburv, Benjamin H., 584 Marbury, H. L., 885 Marks, David F., 155 Marlow, Roy S., 596 Marmaduke, John S.. 337 Marmaduke's Raid, 335 Marquand, 371 "Marquanil Leader," 536 Marquette. 14, 24, 133 Marquette Among the Mississippi Vnlley Indians (view), 25 Marsh, John. 307 Marsh, John H., 284, 310 Marshall, Brannon, 308 Marshall, .John I., 822 Marston. 372 Martin, George, 536 Martin, John," 315. 402 Martin, Tom, 1072 Marvin Collegiate Institute. 419. 461 Massey, Drury, 313 Mason, Charles H.. 1002 Mason, Charles J.. 1289 Mason, £., 257 Mason, Nellie J., 1003 Mason Gang of Robbers, 96 Mason's and Murrell's Men, 102 Master, Henry, 164 Mathews, Richard, 303 Mathews Prairie, 109, 179, 452 Matkin. William M., 874 Matthews, Ezekiel, 297 Matthews, John, 207 Matthews. William. 371 Mattox. W.' H.. 476 Maulsby, H. D., 402 Maulsby, H. T., 265 Maurice, Francois, 52 Maurice, Henri, 52 Maurice. Jean Baptiste, 52 Mauthe. John J.. 617 May, Henry A., 691 Mayes, F. A., 1027 Ma'vfield College. Will, 572 Mayfield. John J., 1073 Mayfield, Pinkney M., 1073 Maxwell, James, 136, 153, 154 Maxwell, I. Newton, 1070 Mead. Robert L., 992 Meador, A. R. L., 476 Meador, J. Frank, 637 Meigs. Return .!., 148 Menard, ilrs.. 51 Menard, Pierre, 56 Menard & Valle, 56 "Mercury." 529 Merrill, William, 306 "Messenger," .543, 545 Metcalfe. Richard L., 532 "Methodist Advocate," 542 Methodists, 452 Meurin Father, 134 Meurin. J. L., 56 Mexican War. 300 Meyers. Benjamin. 107 Meyers, Jacob. 105 Meyers, William, 108, 290 Michel, .loseph. 90 Miehie. Ive. 962 Michie, L. S., 1069 Middle Brook. 298 Milem. Jacob A., 1235 Miller. Daniel. 295 Miller, D. B., 293, 312, 413 Miller, Elijah, 295 Miller. Harry A.. 655 Miller, Henr'v. 296, 403 Miller. Isadore W.. 900

Iiller. .lames S.. 1249

Miller. John, 311 Miller, .lohn A.. 1099 Miller. John N.. 1123 Miller, John W., 316 Miller. Otis W.. 1280 Miller. Robert J.. 1279 Miller. Trentis Y.. 1254 Miller. William H.. .569 Millerville. 374 Mills. J. N., 1262 Mill Spring, 393 Milsepen, Henry. 450 Milster, A. W..' 410