Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/493

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 433 lleury Prank Sehulte, A. B., pi-ofessor of physical training. Ewell Martin Carter, B. S., in Ed., field and extension woriier. Frederic Hugo Doeden, A. B., A. M., pro- fessor of education and superintendent of training school. James Arthur Dunn, A. B., A. M., profes- sor of Latin and Greek. IMaud Montgomery, A. M., professor of modern languages. Myrtle Knepper, A. M., assistant profes- sor of mathematics. Jeptha Riggs, A. M., assistant professor of English. Eleanor Tyler, A. B., instructor in Latin. Arthur Clay Magill, B. Pd., assistant pro- fessor in chemistry. Elizabeth Parker Hiint, Ph. B., instructor in public speaking. Arthur Louis McCarthy, A. B., assistant professor of mathematics. Charles Lamb, director of manual training. James Monroe Sitze, B. Pd., instructor in stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, pen- manship. Nora Naeter, director of piano and violin. Mary Louise Booth, assistant in manual training. Emily Pitman "Wilburn, B. L., instructor in di-awing. ]Mabel Flint, instructor in public school music. Lora Alza Harvey, instructor in voice. jMary Geraldine Allen, B. S., instructor in physical training. Mary Turner Chapin, instructor in domes- tic science. . Ida May Shilling, B. S., instructor in do- mestic art. Joe Mathews, B. Pd., assistant in piano. Martha Catherine Shea, A. B., critic teach- er and instructor in method in upper grades. Estaline Wilson, critic teacher and in- structor in method in upper grades. Emma Jane Howarth, A. B., critic teacher and instructor in method in intermediate grades. Rachel Elizabeth Gregg, B. S., critic teacher and instructor in method in primary grades. Elma Williams Ealy, B. Pd., critic teacher and instructor in method in kindergarten. Bertha Edith Rector, B. Pd., training school assistant in primary grades. Sara Jane Weber, B. Ph., training school assistant in upper grades. Olga Anna Huters, B. Pd., regents' scholar and assistant in modern languages. Sadie Trezevant Kent, B. Pd., librarian. Christine Isabella Wheeler, secretarj- and stenographer. Edward Felix Vaeth, bookkeeper and reg- istrar. ilary Mildred Steel, preceptress. Board of Regents The board of regents has been fortunate to have had the service of a number of men able and devoted to its interests: T. J. 0. Morri- son, Jacob Burrough and Charles C. Rozier, members of the first board of regents, ren- dered valued service in the beginning of the school 's work ; of these, perhaps the man whose influence was felt most in the life of the school was T. J. 0. Morrison. Besides these there have been a number of others whose services deserve recognition; two of these stand out with especial prominence in considering the history of the school. In 1881 Leon J. Albert of Cape Girardeau, became connected with the school as a member of the board of regents and has continued his con- nection with it since that time. During these