Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/52

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xlvi INDEX Pritiluucl, Charles M., 104-1 Pritehard, Columbus K., 989 Priteliard, Thomas E., 989 Protesiants, 196 Proveiicheie, P., 150 Providence Church, 201 Proviues, William C, 410 Pruente, E., 450 Pryor, Herbert, 598 Public Schools — Foundation of public system, 404; the State Commission, 405; sale of lands, 406; curriculum, 406; laws of 1853, 406; provisions of 1874, 407 ; growth of the system, 407 ; Southeast Missouri Teachers' Association, 409; tirst schools in various counties, 409. Piilliani, Thomas, 306 Punch, Jasper X.. 1085 Purtcls, James, 290 Puxico, 392 " Puxico Index," 544 Quapas, 35 Quigate, 20 Quinby, X. E., 288 Badisson, 23 Eailroads — Railroad building since the war, 357; St. Louis & Iron ilountain Eailway Company, 496; the Belmont branch, 497; Cairo & Fulton, 498; Jackson Branch Railroad Company, 500; Cape Girardeau, Pilot Knob & Belmont Railroad Com- pany, 501; Cape Girardeau & State Line Railroad Company, 501 ; Illinois, Missouri & Texas Railway Company, 501; Houck's Missouri & Arkansas Rail- road, 502; St. Louis & Gulf Railroad, 502; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company, 502; Cape Girardeau & Thebes Bridge Terminal Rail- way Company, 503; St. Louis & San Francisco sys- tem, 503 ; St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern Rail- road, 504; St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Com- pany, 505; Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Rail- way, 506; HoUiday-Knotz Land and Lumber Com- pany, 507 ; St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern Rail- road, 507 ; St. Louis & Missouri Southern Railroad, 507 ; Paragould Southeastern Railroad. 508 ; Illi- nois Southern Railroad, 508; Paragould & Mem- phis Railroad, 508; Butler County Railroad Com- pany, 508 ; Cape Girardeau & Jackson Interurban Comjiany, 509. Rainbolt, W. K., 478 Ramsay, Andrew, 77, 150, 171 Ramsay, Andrew, Jr., 171 Ramsay, Andrew M., 303 Ramsay, James, 171 Ramsay, John, 78 Ramsay Settlement, 76 Ramsay, W. C, 78 Ramsay, William. 171 Ramsey Creek, xiii Ramsey, Robert G., 802 Ramsey, Samuel L., 1248 Randoff. S. M.. 476 Randol, Enos, 79 Randol, John, 74, 214 Randol, Medad, 79, 171 Randol, Samuel, 79 Randol Settlement, 77 Randol, Thankful, 287 Randolph, George E.. 1288 Raniller, Baptiste, 65 Rankin, Lewis J., 273 Ranney, Johnson, 155 Ranney, Ehoda, 402 Ranney, Robert G., 611 Ranney, W. C, 257, 295, 501 Rau, Gustav C, 775 Rauls, John H., 1135 Raveuscroft, James, 155 Rawls, Hardy, 107 Ray, David M., 1122 Rayburn, M. B., 310, 995 Ravburn, V. C, 310 Read, T. W., 803 Reagan, (ieorge K., 115 Reagan, JIathias il., 803 Reaves, George A., 1268 Reavis, G. H., 410 Reck, Edward B., 586 Redden, George W., 627 Reddick, John R., 1107 Red House, 71, 74 Redman. S. E.. 973 Reed, Charles W., 1047 Reed, I). C, 317 Reed, Harmon, 295 Reed, Jacob, 188 Reed, ilary E., 1154 Reed, Simpson, 1153 Reed, William, 62 Reeves, Everett, 881 "Reflector," 531 "Reformer," 540 Regimental Histories (Civil War) — Home Guards, 341 Missouri State Militia, 342; Third Missouri Regi- ment, 343; Fifth Missouri Regiment, 343; Fifty- sixth Missouri Regiment, 343; Sixty-fourth Mis- souri Regiment, 343; Sixty-eighth Missouri Regi- ment. 344; Seventy-ninth Missouri Regiment, 344; Second Missouri Infantry. 344; Twenty-ninth Mis- souri Infantry, 344; Thirteenth Missouri Infan- try, 345; Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry. 345; Fiftieth Missouri Infantry, 346; Sixth Missouri Cavalry, 346 ; Tenth Missouri Cavalry, 346 ; Engi- neer Regiment, West Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Second Regiment Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Forty- seventh Regiment Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Fif- teenth Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia, 347; Twenty-third Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia. 348; Thirty-ninth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia. 34S'; Eighty-third Battalion, 348; Confed- erate organizations. 348 ; Xinth Missouri Infantry. 351; Second Missouri Infantry, 351; Second Jlis- souri Cavalry, 352. Reid, .Tames, 410 Reinecke, Frederick, 74, 97 Relfe, James H., 322 Religious History (see also churches) — Catholics, 448: Methodists. 452; Baptists, 463; Lutherans. 479; Episcopal. 481; Congregational. 482; German Evangelical Church, 482; German Methodists, 483; Presbyterians, 483; Presbyterianism in 1854-64, 484; Presbyterians, 1864-74", 485; division in Pres- bytery, 486; decades from 1884 to 1904.487; gen- eral review, 488 ; Northern Presbyterians, 491 ; Cumberland Presbyterians, 493; Christians, 494. Renault. 270 Renault. Philip Francois, 182 Rench, Daniel R., 716