Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/569

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 509 About 1905 a company composed of busi- ness men and capitalists of St. Francois coimty was organized for the purpose of con- structing an electric line through the lead belt. That section has an enormous popula- tion and it was thought by the promoters that an interurban line would be of great benefit to the country and also a paying investment. The line was built from Flat River, on the Illinois Southern and the ]Iississippi river and Bonne Terre railroads, south and west to Farmington, the county seat, and then to DcLassiis, on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. The road was well-built and first- class equipment provided for it. The ex- pectations of its builders were fully met as it at once received a heavy traffic. It not only carries passengers, but operates freight and express service as well. It has become of immense inportance in its section and will be an important link in the inter- urban line which will doubtless be built in the near future from St. Louis south through Southeast Missouri. At the present time this is the only inter- urban line in the section. The Cape Girard- eau & Jackson Interurban Company was organized in 1905, but up to this time it has not extended its lines outside the city of Cape Girardeau. Its plans are to unite the latter place with Jackson and also with the towns near the Thebes bridge. The development of the country in wealth and population, and the demand for better transportation will doubtless lead to the biiilding of other elec- tric lines within a few years, some of which are alreadv under consideration.