Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/588

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528 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the county is crossed by the 'Frisco and the Missouri Southern extends from Leeper into Reynolds county. There are a number of streams, the principal one being the St. Fran- cois river, which runs through the county from north to south, dividing it into practic- ally equal parts. Black river is in the west- ern part of the coiuity, and is paralleled through a considerable part of its length by the Iron ilountain railroad. The population of the coimty is very largely American born. In 1905 there were only 126 foreign born persons and only 115 negroes. The value of manufactured pro- ducts in 1010 was .$396,770. Of this amount, lumber and flour represented about three- fourths.