Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/712

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628 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of the leading photographers of the United States, liis ability becoming at once apparent. He was established at Fredericktown for eleven years and during that time acted as official photographer of the mines, quarries, clays, timbers, and timber products, securing pictures of the foregoing for the Missouri Commission of the St. Louis World's Fair, and serving with credit to himself and the state. As previously mentioned Mr. Reddeu is the inventor of the Redden photogi'aphic printing machine and several other devices for shortening the long process and securing easier and better work. He is now having them manufactured and sold on royalty. On September 4, 1892, Mr. Redden was united in marriage to Miss Ora Gross, of Se- dalia, ^Missouri, daughter of A. P. ]I. and Ella Nevada (Gay) Gross, both natives of Dade county. The father is deceased, but Mrs. Gross now makes her home in Los An- geles, California. IMrs. Redden received her education in the Sedalia public schools. They have a quartet of interesting children, namel}': Allan C, Elizabeth, Anthony and Charles Greer. The subject is a Republi- can and a Royal Arch ]Iason and he and his wife are affiliated with the Christian church. Lin Grisham. As president of the Con- solidated Store & Manufacturing Company, the main headquarters of which important concern are at Fredericktown, Missouri, Lin Grisham is actively identified with mercan- tile and manufacturing interests in south- eastern Missouri. He is deeply interested in community affairs and his efforts have also been a potent element in the business prog- ress of this section of the state. He has with ready recognition of opportunity directed his labors into various fields, wherein he has achieved success, and at the same time has promoted a business enterprise that has proved of more than local value, largely pro- moting the commercial activity of the state. A brief history of this gigantic concern will appear in a succeeding paragraph. Lin Grisham was born in Wayne county, Missouri, on the 10th of April, 1869, and he is a son of James and Margaret (Andrews) Grisham, who came to IMissoiiri from Ten- nessee in the year 1854. The father was bom in the state of Tennessee in the year 1837, and as a young man he was interested in farming, continuing to devote his atten- tion to that line of enterprise until 1882. Since that time he has been engaged in the mercantile and milling business in Wayne county, Missouri, but at the present time he resides at Fredericktown. He was county judge of Wayne county for a period of eight years and also served with the utmost effi- ciency as associate judge for a period of two years. The mother of the subject of this re- view was descended from old Virginia stock, and her father at one time was a sailor on the Atlantic ocean. He established the family home in Wayne county, Missouri, in an early daj^ and thei-e passed the residue of his life. ]Irs. James Grisham was summoned to eternal rest in 1911, at the venerable age of seventy-six years. Mr. and Mrs. Gris- ham became the parents of seven children, concerning whom the following brief data are here inserted, — Frank is a farmer and miller at Caledonia, Jlissouri ; T. M. resides at Fredericktown, Missouri; J. S. was for- merl}^ state representative from Colorado and he is now sheriff of Las Animas county, that state ; W. F. is an extensive rancher and stock dealer in Colorado, owning barns at Trinidad and Pueblo; John is engaged in business at Fredericktown; Ida is the widow of Dr. !JIontgomery, of Wayne county, and she resides with her father; and Lin is the immediate subject of this review. To the public schools of Wayne county, Jlissouri, Lin Grisham is indebted for his preliminary educational training. As a youth he became associated with his father in the latter 's extensive mercantile enter- prises, and during the intervening years to tlie present time he has devoted considerable attention to general merchandising and lum- bering. The Consolidated Store & Manu- facturing Company, of which he is president, was organized in 1910, and it represents a merging of four different mercantile corpo- rations. The Company has stores in Cape Gi- rardeau, jMadison, Waj-ne and Bollinger counties. It has a capital stock of eighty- three thousand dollars and its official corps is as follows: — Lin Grisham, president; R. H. Davis, vice-president; C. A. Grisham, sec- retary and treasurer; and the board of di- rectors includes T. M. Grisham, R. H. Davis, John Grisham and Lin Grisham, of Freder- icktown, and T. H. Wiseman, of St. Louis. Since its organization the Company has opened five new stores and now conducts six- teen individual concerns in the four counties mentioned above. The offices of the company