Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/727

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST BHSSOURI 639 printing plant, he is the owner of some fine property at Lutesville, the same including a beautiful residence. On the 12th of October, 1887, at Sailor Springs, in Clay county, ilissouri, was sol- emnized the marriage of Jlr. Wiggs to Miss Dean Sailor, a daughter of Thomas N. and Rebecca J. Sailor, residents of Sailor Springs, Illinois. This union has been blessed with one child, William S., whose birth occurred on the 25th of November, 1892. In religious matters the Wiggs family give a loyal support to the Presbyterian church, of which they are devout members, and in a fraternal way Mr. AA'iggs is a valued and appreciative member of the local lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he accords a stalwart allegiance to the principles and policies for which the Re- publican party stands sponsor and he is ever on the alert to do all in his power to ad- vance the best interests of Lutesville, where he is a man of mark in all the relations of life. 0. H. Storey. A wide-awake, brainy man, possessing good business qualifications, 0. H. Storey occupies a position of note among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Senath, and as treasurer and general mana- ger of the J. AI. Baird ^Mercantile Company is associated with one of the city's leading industries. He was born June 22, 1888, in White county, Illinois, where he acquired an education and training that well fitted him for a business carei'r. In 1907, ere attaining his majority, Mr. Storey secured a position as cashier with the Caneer Store Company, in Senath, Missouri, and was afterwards cashier for awhile in the Bank of Senath. Leaving that position, he served in the same capacity at the Citizens' Bank in Senath, until the incorporation, in 1910, of the J. M. Baird Mercantile Com- pany, of which he is treasurer and general manager. This company, of which a brief account is given elsewhere in this work, in connection with the sketch of the late J. M. Baird, was incorporated in 1910, with a cap- ital of $30,000, and a surplus of $60,000, and with the following named officers: ilrs. J. M. Baird, president ; Airs. 0. H. Storey, vice- president ; Miss Ilettie Baird. secretary; and 0. H. Storey, treasurer and general mana- ger. The company carries a stock valued at $30,000, with annual sales amounting to up- wards of $75,000, dealing not only in hard- ware, agricultural implements and vehicles of all descriptions, but in cotton, owning and operating a finely-equipped cotton gin, and doing a business in cotton that amounts to about $65,000 a year. Mr. Storey married June 30. 1909, in Senath, Hulclah C. Baird, eldest daughter of the late James jM. and Lucy (Douglass) Baird, and they have one child, Ilattie Lu- cille Storey. N.VPOLEON B. Watts. Success along any line of endeavor would never be properly ap- preciated if it came with a single effort and unaccompanied by some hardships, for it is the knocks and bruises in life that make suc- cess taste so sweet. The career of Napoleon B. Watts, Avho has long maintained his home at Fredericktown, Missouri, but accentuates the fact that success is bound to come to those who join brains with ambition and are willing to work. Air. Watts received but meager educational advantages in his youth and his early start in life was of the humblest order. Through persistency and a fixed determination to forge ahead, however, he has succeeded in building up a fine success for himself in the business world of south- eastern Alissouri. At the present time, in 1911. he is president of the Security Bank at Fredericktown and in politics has figured prominently, having been county clerk for a period of eight years. Napoleon B. Watts was born in Aladison county, Alis-souri, on the 13th of Febi'uary, 1848, and he is a son of Reuben and Nancy C. (Sites) Watts, botli of whom were like- wise born in Aladison county. The paternal grandparents of the subject of this review Avere natives of Culpeper county, Virginia, whence they migrated to Alissouri about the year 1818. Captain James Watts, the grand- father, was an officer in the war of 1812 and he was summoned to the life eternal in 1846, at the age of forty-eight years. He was the owner of a tract of fine land in the south- eastern part of Aladison county and at the time of his demise his son Green Watts in- herited the estate. Reiiben Watts was a Alethodist Episcopal minister and a farmer, he having entered and improved a farm ad- joining the old homestead, this farm now be- ing owned liy Air. X. B. AVatts. He died in Aladison county in 1876, at the age of fifty- seven years. Nanc.y C. (Sites) AA'atts was