Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/823

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST .MISSOURI 709 Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks and with the Modern Woodmen of America. Dr. Rosenthal 's professional career excites the ad- miration and has won the respect of his con- temporaries, and in a calling in which one has to gain reputation by merit he has advanced steadily until he is acknowledged as the su- perior of most of the members of the medical fraternity in this part of the state, having long since left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful few. Harry A. Guess. An essentially promi- nent and influential business )nan at Elat River, Saint Francois county, Missouri, Harry A. Guess is manager of the Federal Lead Company, an important mining concern of this county. Though a native Canadian, Mr. Guess has resided in the United States and Mexico since 1901, and during the interven- ing years to the present time he has been en- gaged along mining and metallurgical lines. Harry A. Guess was born, November 21, 1875, at Kingston, in the province of Ontario, Canada. He is a son of Charles Wellington and Sarah (Shorey) Guess, both natives of Canada, where the former was born in the year 1846, and the latter in 18-48. The Guess family traces its ancestry back to stanch Eng- lish and Irish stock. Charles W. Guess was identified with agricultural pursuits during the major portion of his active career but re- tired from business in recent years and is now living at Napanee, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Guess became the parents of three chil- dren, whose names are liei'e entered in re- spective order of birth. — George A., Harrj' A., and Ross W. George A. Guess is metallur- gical superintendent of the Cerro de Pasco Mining Company, at La Fundicion, Peru, South America; Harry A. is the immediate subject of this review; and Ross W. is cash- ier of the Bank of Jlontreal. at Glace Bay, Canada. In polities the father is a liberal and in his religious adherency he is a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in vyhose faith he reared his children. To the public schools of his native place Harry A. Guess is indebted for his early edu- cational training, which was followed' by a course in the Sydenham Collegiate Institute, at Sydenham. Sulisequently he was matricu- lated as a student in Queens University, at Kingston, in which excellent institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1895, duly receiving the degree of Master of Arts and also the Ihiiversitv medal in chem- istry. He was also graduated in the School of .Mines at Kingston and thereafter he passed two years in British Columbia, in the southern part of which province he was en- gaged in survey and assay work. P^r a time lie had an office in British Columbia but in 1897 he returned to eastern Canada, where he became manager of the Ottawa Gold ilill- ing & .Mining Company, at Kewatin, prov- ince of Ontario, remaining there until 1901. In the latter year he came to the United States and assumed charge of the concentrat- ing plant of Silver Lake ilines at Silverton, Colorado — a Guggenheim property — continu- ing there for the ensuing three years. Dur- ing the year 1904 to 1905 he had charge of special experimental work for the Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, at Cananea, Mexico. Subsequently he was manager of the Silver Lake Mines, at Silver Lake, Colorado, and in 1907 he became general milling super- intendent for the Guggenheim interests in the United States and Mexico, retaining the lat- ter position to the present time. Since 1908 he has also been manager of the Federal Lead Company and of the Central Experi- mental plant at Flat River. In connection with the latter concern he is interested in de- vising the best processes of treatment for all difficult ores and products from the various properties of the Guggenheim interests in the United States and Mexico. He is a member of the Colorado Scientific Society ; Society of Chemical Industry; American Chemical So- ciety ; and the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Mr. Guess was married on the 19th of June, 1901, to Miss Eva Young, of Winnipeg, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Guess have one son, Shorey Guess, born on the 16th of April, 190 (. The.y are popular and prominent in connection with the best social activities of Flat River, where their spacious and com- fortable home is the center of many attrac- tive gatherings and where they are held in high regard by all. In their religious faith they are members of the Presbyterian church, to whose philanthropical work they are lib- eral contributors. Upton L. Weirick. One of the important industrial enterprises that contribute ma- terially to the commercial prestige of the city of Washington, Missouri, is the Missouri Jleerschaum Company, of which that promi- nent and valued citizen, Upton L. Weirick. is pi'csident. He is one of the aggressive and