Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/826

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712 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Frank Leo Long, M. U., is a proiuiueiit young ijhysic'iau of Doe Run, and lias ac- quired higli rank in the profession ajid an excellent practice in this vicinity. His fam- ily have been identified with southeastern Missouri more than half a century, and its members have been honored citizens and able workers in various lines of activity. He was Ivorn in Jefferson county, Novem- ber 18, 1882. His father, W. T. Long, who was born in the same comity in July, 1855, is one of the best known railroad men in this part of the state. He spent his early life on a farm, being educated in the common schools and when about thirty-five began railroading. With the exception of four years when he was sheriff of Jelferson county, he has been conductor on the Iron Mountain railroad for the last twenty-five years. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Order of Railway Conductors, and in politics is a Democrat. His mother was a cousin of the late Senator Hearst of Califoi-- nia. He was married about 1878 to .Miss Emma Goodin. of Jefferson county, and of their eight children six are living, the Doctor being the third in the family. The early life of Dr. Long was spent in Jefferson county, and he graduated from the DeSoto high school in 1900. The following year he entered the medical department of the Washington University at St. Louis and took his degree in medicine in 1904. His first two yeai-s of practice was in DeSoto, after which for three years he was a member of the medical staff at the Farmington asylum un- til a change in politics occurred. Since then he has been a resident of Doe Run, where in addition to a large general practice he does the surgical work for the M. R. & B. T. rail- road and the Doe Run Lead Company. He is a member of the f!ounty. State and Amer- ican jMedical Societies. In politics he is a Democrat, is a member of the Presbyterijin church, and affiliates with the Ancient Order of ITnited Workmen, the Court of Honor and the Masonic order. On March 31, 1909, Dr. Long married Miss Genevieve Browne, of DeSoto. IMissouri. They have one child, Frank L.. Jr.