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    ceding editions. The edition at present in common use was printed at Salt Lake City, at the Deseret News office, and entered according to act of congress in 1879, by Joseph F. Smith. It is divided into chapters and verses, with references by Orson Pratt, senior. The arrangement is as follows:

    The first book of Nephi, his reign and ministry, 22 chapters; the second book of Nephi, 33 chapters; the book of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, 7 chapters; the book of Enos, 1 chapter; the book of Jarom, 1 chapter; the book of Omni, 1 chapter; the words of Mormon, 1 chapter; the book of Mosiah, 29 chapters; the book of Alma, the son of Alma, 63 chapters; the book of Helaman, 16 chapters; the book of Nephi, the son of Nephi, who was the son of Helaman, 30 chapters; the book of Nephi, who is the son of Nephi, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, 1 chapter; book of Mormon, 9 chapters; book of Ether, 15 chapters; the book of Moroni, 10 chapters. In all 239 chapters.

    I give herewith the contents of the several books. The style, like that of the revelations, is biblical.

    ‘First Book of Nephi. Language of the record; Nephi's abridgment; Lehi's dream; Lehi departs into the wilderness; Nephi slayeth Laban; Sariah complains of Lehi's vision; contents of the brass plates; Ishmael goes with Nephi; Nephi's brethren rebel, and bind him; Lehi's dream of the tree, rod, etc.; Messiah and John prophesied of; olive branches broken off; Nephi's vision of Mary; of the crucifixion of Christ; of darkness and earthquake; great abominable church; discovery of the promised land; bible spoken of; book of Mormon and holy ghost promised; other books come forth; bible and book of Mormon one; promises to the gentiles; two churches; the work of the Father to commence; a man in white robes (John); Nephites come to knowledge; rod of iron; the sons of Lehi take wives; director found (ball); Nephi breaks his bow; directors work by faith; Ishmael died; Lehi and Nephi threatened; Nephi commanded to build a ship; Nephi about to be worshipped by his brethren; ship finished and entered; dancing in the ship; Nephi bound; ship driven back; arrived on the promised land; plates of ore made; Zenos, Neum, and Zenock; Isaiah's writing; holy one of Israel.

    ‘Second Book of Nephi. Lehi to his sons; opposition in all things; Adam fell that man might be; Joseph saw our day; a choice seer; writings grow together; prophet promised to the Lamanites; Joseph's prophecy on brass plates; Lehi buried; Nephi's life sought; Nephi separated from Laman; temple built; skin of blackness; priests, etc., consecrated; make other plates; Isaiah's words by Jacob; angels to a devil; spirits and bodies reunited; baptism; no kings upon this land; Isaiah prophesieth; rod of the stem of Jesse; seed of Joseph perisheth not; law of Moses kept; Christ shall shew himself; signs of Christ, birth and death; whisper from the dust; book sealed up; priestcraft forbidden; sealed book to be brought forth; three witnesses behold the book; the words (read this, I pray thee); seal up the book again; their priests shall contend; teach with their learning, and deny the holy ghost; rob the poor; a bible, a bible; men judged of the books; white and a delightsome people; work commences among all people; lamb of God baptized; baptism by water and holy ghost.

    ‘Book of Jacob. Nephi anointeth a king; Nephi dies; Nephites and Lamanites; a righteous branch from Joseph; Lamanites shall scourge you; more than one wife forbidden; trees, waves, and mountains obey us; Jews look beyond the mark; tame olive tree; nethermost part of the vineyard; fruit laid up against the season; another branch; wild fruit had overcome; lord of the vineyard weeps; branches overcome the roots; wild branches plucked off; Sherem, the anti-Christ; a sign, Sherem smitten; Enos takes the plates from his father.

    ‘The Book of Enos. Enos, thy sins are forgiven; records threatened by Lamanites; Lamanites eat raw meat.

    ‘The Book of Jarom. Nephites wax strong; Lamanites drink blood; fortify cities; plates delivered to Omni.

    ‘The Book of Omni. Plates given to Amaron; plates given to Chemish;