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Pbesident Smith at Kirtland— First Quorum op Twelve Apostles— The KiRTLAND Temple Completed— Kirtland Safety Society Bank— In ZiON Again — The Saints in Missouri— Apostasy— Zeal and Indis- cretion—Military Organization — The War Opens — Depredations ON Both Sides — Movements of Atchison, Parks, and Doniphan — Attitude of Boggs — Wight and Gilliam — Death of Patten — Danite Organization— Order Lodge— Haun Mill Tragedy— Mobs and Militia — The Tables Turned — Boggs' Exterminating Order— Lucas and Clark at Far West— Surrender of the Mormons — Prisoners- Petitions AND Memorials— Expulsion— Gathering at Quincy — Opinions.

Meanwhile, although the frontier of Zlon was re- ceiving such large accessions, the main body of the church was still at Kirtland, where President Smith remained for some time.

On the 14th of February, 1835, twelve apostles were chosen at Kirtland, Brigham Young, Orson Hyde, and Heber C. Kimball being of the number; likewise a little later Parley P. Pratt. Thence, the following summer, they took their departure for the east, holding conferences and ordaining and instruct- inor elders in the churches throuMiout New York and 'New England, and the organization of the first quorum of seventies was begun. Classes for instruction, and a school of prophets were commenced, and Sidney Rigdon delivered six lectures on faith, of which Joseph Smith was author.^ Preaching on the steps of a

'They were printed and bound in Doctrine and Covenants. See Hyde's Mormonism, 202; Eemy's Journey, 504; Pratt's Autobiography, 139. Mather, in Lippincott's Mag., Aug. 1880, states that the twelve apostles started in May.
