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  1. Discoveries of the Spaniards, 1540–1777
    Francisco Vazquez de Coronado at Cíbola—Expedition of Pedro de Tobar and Father Juan de Padilla—They Hear of a Large River—García Lopez de Cárdenas Sent in Search of It—The First Europeans to Approach Utah—Route of Cárdenas—Mythical Maps—Part of the Northern Mystery—Journey of Dominguez and Escalante—The Course They Followed—The Rivers They Crossed—The Comanches—Region of the Great Lakes—Rivers Timpanogos, San Buenaventura, and Others—The Country of the Yutas—Route from Santa Fé to Monterey—The Friars Talk of the Lake Country—Return of the Spaniards to Zuñi and March to Santa Fé.
  2. Advent of Trappers and Travellers, 1778–1846
    Invasion by Fur Hunters—Baron la Hontan and his Fables—The Popular Geographic Idea—Discovery of the Great Salt Lake—James Bridger Deciding a Bet—He Determines the Course of Bear River, and Comes upon the Great Lake—Henry, Ashley, Green, and Beckwourth on the Ground—Fort Built at Utah Lake—Peter Skeen Ogden—Journey of Jedediah S. Smith—A Strange Country—Pegleg Smith—Wolfskill, Yount, and Burton Traverse the Country—Walker's Visit to California—Some Old Maps—The Bartleson Company—Statements of Bidwell and Belden Compared—Whitman and Lovejoy—Frémont—Pacific Coast Immigrations of 1845 and 1846—Origin of the Name Utah.
  3. The Story of Mormonism, 1820–1830
    A Glance Eastward—The Middle States Sixty Years Ago—Birth and Parentage of Joseph Smith—Spiritual Manifestations—Joseph Tells