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and his Brother—Character of Joseph Smith—A Panic at Carthage—Addresses of Richards and Taylor—Peaceful Attitude of the Mormons.

  1. Brigham Young succeeds Joseph, 1844–1845
    The Question of Succession—Biography of Brigham Young—His Early Life—Conversion—Missionary Work—Made President of the Twelve—His Devotion to the Prophet—Sidney Rigdon and Brigham Young Rival Aspirants for the Presidency—Rigdon's Claims—Public Meetings—Brigham Elected President of the Church—His Character—Temple-building—Fresh Disasters—The Affair at Morley—The Men of Quincy and the Men of Carthage—The Mormons Consent to Abandon their City.
  2. Expulsion from Nauvoo, 1845–1846
    A Busy City—Meeting in the Temple—Sacrifice of Property—Detachments Move Forward—A Singular Exodus—The First Encampment—Cool Proposal from Brother Brannan—The Journey—Courage and Good Cheer—Swelling of their Numbers—The Remnant of the Saints in Nauvoo—Attitude of the Gentiles—The Mormons Attacked—Continued Hostilities—The Final Departures—The Poor Camp—A Deserted City.
  3. At the Missouri, 1846–1847
    Native Races of the Missouri—The Pottawattamies and the Omahas—The Mormons Welcomed as Brethren—War with Mexico—California Territory—Mexican Boundaries—Application to the United States Government for Aid—An Offer to Serve as Soldiers Accepted—Organization of the Mormon Battalion—Departure of the Battalion—Bounty Money—March across the Continent—The Battalion in California—Matters on the Missouri.
  4. Migration to Utah, 1847
    Camp Near the Missouri—Preparations at Winter Quarters—Departure of the Pioneer Band—Elkhorn Rendezvous—Route and Routine—Incidents of Journey—Approach to Zion—In the Cañon—Hosanna!