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prisoner, and sentenced him. "President Young was decidedly opposed to whipping,"^*' says George Q. Cannon, "but matters arose that we considered re- quired punishment at the time."^^

During this period men and women voted by ballot in matters relating to government. Women had already voted in religious meetings by the uplifted hand, but this is probably the first instance in the United States where woman suffrage was permitted. Utah at that time, however, was not a part of the United States, and before its admission as a ter- ritory the privilege , was withdrawn. ^'^

»o ' I had to chastise one in that way for stealing.' Id., MS., 4.

^^ ' For instance, one of our best men now, wlio was then j'oung, was ac- cused of riding on horseback with a girl in front of him. This was looked upon as indecorous. He and others guilty of the same thing were severely reprimanded.' G. Q. Cannon, in Taylor's Rem., MS., 12-1.3.

^^ Taylor^ s Rem., MS., 14. Herewith I give a list of the Utah pioneers of 1847: Adams, Barnabas L.; Angel, Truman 0.; Allen, Rufns; Attwood, Millen; Badger, Rodney; Barney, Lewis; Barnham, Charles D. ; Benson, Ezra T. ; Billings, Geo. P.; Boggs, Francis; Brown, Geo.; Bi'own, John; Brown, Nathaniel Thomas; Bullock, Thos; Burke, Charles; Burnham, Jacob D.; Byard, R,obert; Carringtou, Albert; Carter, William; Case, James; Chamberlin, Solomon; Chessley, Alexander P.; Clayton, William; Cloward, Thos P.; Coltrin, Zebcdee; Craig, James; Crosby, Oscar; Curtis, Lyman; Gushing, Hosea; Davenport, James; Dewey, Benjamin F.; Dixon, John; Driggs, Starling; Dykes, William; Earl, Sylvester H. ; Eastman, Ozro; Egan, Howard; Egbert, Josepli; Eldredge, John S. ; Ellsworth, Edmund; Empey, William A.; Ensign, Datus; Everett, Addison; Fairbanks, Nathaniel; Farr, Aaron; Fitzgerald, Perry; Flake, Green (coloi'ed); Fowler, John S.; Fox, Samuel; Freeman, John M.; Frink, Horace M. ; Frost, Burr; Gibbons, An- drews.; Gleason, JohnS. ; Glines, Eric; Goddard, Stephen H.; Grant, David; Grant, Geo. R. ; Greene, John Y. ; Grover, Tiiomas; Hancock, Joseph; Hanks, Sidney A.; Hanson, Hans C. ; Harmon, Appleton M.; Harper, Charles A.; Henrie, William; Hewd, Simeon; Higbee, John S. ; Holman, John G. ; Ivory, Matthew; Jackman, Levi; Jacobs, Norton; Johnson, Artcmas; Johnson, Luke; Johnson Philo; Kelsey, Stephen; Kendall, Levi N. ; Kimball, Ellen S. (wife of H. C. K.); Kimball, Heber C. ; King, William A.; Klineman, Conrad; Lark, Hark (colored); Lewis, Tarlton; Little, Jessie C. ; Losee, John G. ; Loveland, Chancey; Lyman, Aniasa; Marble, Samuel H.; Markham, Stephen; Matthews, Joseph; Mills, George; Murray, Carlos; Newman, Elijah; Nor- ton, John W. ; Owen, Seely; Pack, John; Pierce, Eli H.; Pomeroy, Francis M. ; Powell, David; Pratt, Orson; Reddin, Jackson; Rappelye, Tunis; Rich- ards, Willard; Rockwell, Orrin P.; Rockwood, Albert P.; Rolfe, Benjamin W. ; Rooker, Joseph; Roundy, Shadrach; Schofield, Joseph S.; Scholes, George; Sherwood, Henry G. ; Shnmway, Andrew P.; Shumway, Chailes Smith, George A.; Smoot, Wm C. A.; Snow, Erastus; Stevens, Roswcll Stewart, Benjamin F.; Stewart, James W.; Stringham, Briant; Summe, Gil burd; Taft, Seth; Tanner, Thomas; Taylor, Norman; Thomas, Robert T. Tliornton, Horace M.; Thorpe, Marcus B.; Tippitts, John H.; Vance, Will iam P.; Walker, Henson; Wardel, George; Weiler, Jacob; Wheeler, John Whipple, Edson; Whitney, Horace K.; Whitney, Orson K.; Williams, Al mon L.; Woodard, George; Woodrufl", Wilford; Woolsey, Thomas; Words'