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sources upon which I have drawn, I would mention also the following printed and secondary authorities: Millen. Star, iv. 187-90, v. 174-7, vi. 41-2, vii. 71-2, 87-9, 103-4, 149-53, viiL 68-71, 97-8, 102-3, 113-21, 149-58, ix. 11-22, xi. 46-7; Times and Seasons, i. 30-1, 44, 185-7, 517, ii. 273-4, 281-6, 309, 319, 321-2, 336, 355-6, 370-1, 375-7, 380-2, 417-18, 435, 617, 567-70, iii. 630-1, 666, 638, 654, 683-6, 700, 718, 733^, 743, 767-9, 775-6, 806-7, 831-2, 902-3, 919-21, 936-7, iv. 10-11, 33-6, 65-71, 154-7, 198-9, 241-78, v. 392-6, 418- 23, 455, 471-2, 536-48, 560-75, 584-99, 618-22, vi. 762, 773-80, 926, 972-3; Beadle, Life in Utah, 58-9, 63-121, 125-54, 161-2, 280; Bennett, Morm. Ex- posed, 5-10, 140-62, 188-214, 278-302, 307-40; Bertrand, Mem. Morm., 61, 65-70; Bonwick, Morm. and Silv. Mines, 3; Burton, City of Saints, ISZ-A, 433, 625-67; Busch, Gesch. Morm., 43-5, 97-113, 125-30, 205-17, 254-98; Death of the Prophets, with Offic. Doc, no. 23, in Utah Pamph. Belig.; Deseret News, 1851, Apr. 8, Nov. 29, Dec. 13, 27; 1867, July 24; 1868, July 1, Dec. 16, 30; 1869, Apr. 7, Sept. 1; 1876, Mar. 22; 1877, Nov. 14; Hall, Morm. Exposed, 7- 8, 15-16, 24-7, 28-34, 55-70, 91-9, 106-7; Tucker, Morm., 37, 167-207; Tul- lidge. Life of Young, 6-191. 204; Women of Morm., 297-300, 425-32, 443-4, 488-95; Edinburg Rev., Apr. 1854, 319-83; Ford ( Thos, Gov. III.), in Utah Tracts, no. 11; Ferris, Utah and Morm., 51, 92-107, 114-15, 137-46, 151-4. 120-30; Gunnison, Morm., 133, 115-39; Stansbury, Exped., 135-7; Green, Morm., 28-9, 36-7, 54^64; Hickman, Destroying Angel, 41-5; Hyde, Morm., 140, 144-6, 152-3, 155-7, 172-5, 183-5, 189-92; Kidder, Morm., 157-9, 182- 92; Kanesville (la). Front. Guard., 1849, Feb. 7, 21, Mar. 7, June 27, Aug. 8, Nov. 14; Id., 1850, May 1, 29, Oct. 2, 30; Id., 1852, Mar. 18, 25; Linforth, Route from Liverpool, 61-9, 72-5; Lee, Morm., 109-12, 144-8, 152-5, 167-8, 173-4, 179-80; Mackay, The Morm., 115-206; Niks' Reg., Ixix. 70, 134, Ixx. 208, 211, 327, Ixxii. 206, 370, Ixxiii. 6; Olshausen, Gesch. Mormonen, 59-65, 88-90, 100-3, 144-51, 202-34; Hon. Polynesian, ii. 1846, 91; Pratt (P.), Au- toUog., 378, 398-401, 405-6; Remy, Journey to G. S. L. City, i. 336-406, 434-8, ii. 258-63; Smucker, Hist. Morm., 119-34, 148-276, passim; Snow (Eliza), in Utah Pioneers, 33d Ann., 41-50, in Times and Seasons, iv. 287; Snoio (Lo- renzo), with Taylor, Govt of God, no. 12, 9-11; Stenhouse, Tell It AU, 306; Crimes of L. D. Saints, 11-15; Dunbar, Romance of Age, 45; Ebberts, Trapper^s Life, MS., IS; Fullmer, in Utah Tracts, no. 9. 1-40; Mather, in LippincolVs Mag., Aug. 1880; AlcGlashen, Hist. Donner Party, 34-56; Spence, Settler's Guide, 268-9; Sala, Amer. Revisited, ii. 289; Salt Lake City, Contributor, ii. 86, 134-7, 195-8, 239, 301, 354-6, 366, iii. passim, iv. 370-6; Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1850, July 27; 1851, July 26, Aug. 19; 1852, Feb. 7, Aug. 7, 21; 1854, July 27, Aug. 3; 1855, Sept. 26; 1857, July 29, Aug. 5; 1858, June 30; Salt Lake City, Herald, 1880, July 3, 29; Salt Lake City, Telegraph, 1868, May 30, Oct. 10, 12-14; Smith, Rise, Progress, etc., 6-18, 314-22, 334-6; Smoot (Margaret S.), Experience, etc., MS., 4-5; Gal, Its Past Hist., 218-19; Tracy (Mrs N. N.), Narr., MS., 10-19; Thornton, Or. and Cal, i. 158-9; Utah Pioneer, 33d Ann., 50-2; Narrative of the Murders of the Smiths, in Utah Tracts, no. 1, passim; The Murder of Jos Smith, in Utah Tracts, no. 1, 54-5; Tyler, Hist. Morm. Battalion, passim; U. S. Ex. Doc, 24, 31 Cong. 1st Sess.; Van Tramp, Adventures, 313-38; Woodruff (W.), in Utah Pion., 33d Ann., 19-24; Ward, Mormon Fi/e. 81-4, 109-40, 165; White ( Mrs C. V.), The Mormon Prophet, etc., 4-8; Young (Ann Eliza), Wife No. 19, 5A-7 ; Marshall, Through Amer., 184; Murphy, Mineral Resour., 84-5; Miller (J), First Families, etc., 65-73; Martin ( Thos S), Narrative, etc., MS., 42; San Francisco, AltaCal., 1851, Aug. 8; Id., Cal. Star, 1848, Feb. 26; Id., Call, 1869, Sept. 5, 1877, Aug. 31; Id., Chronicle, 1881, Jan. 9; Id., Herald, 1851, Oct. 12, 1859, Nov. 15; Sacra- mento. Placer Times, 1849, May 26; Id., Union, 1855, Sept. 10, 27, 1859, Aug. 24; Portland (Or.), Telegram, 1879, Mar. 15; Salem (Or.), Argus, 1858, Feb. 13, Aug. 28; Id., Statesman, 1851, Dec. 23; Or. City (Or.), Spectator, 1846, July 4; Ogden (Utah), Freeman, 1879, May 2; Gold Hill (Nev.), News, 1872, May 1, Oct. 24; Eureka (Nev.), Leader, 1880, July 24; Carson (Nev.), State Register, 1872, Nov. 24; Rae, Westward by Rail, 125-7.