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This they did of their own accord, not because they were so commanded, but in spite of commandments, and by reason of a higher and more refined culture — a culture which had outgrown the cruder dogmas of the early ages. Then came the putting away of slavery and polygamy, the former but recently permitted in these American states, and the latter being here even now. Among the discarded customs taught and en- couraged by the new testament are, speaking in tongues, going forth to preach without purse or scrip, laying on of hands for the healing of the sick, rais- ing the dead, casting out devils, and all other miracles ; and there will be further repudiations as time passes, further ignoring of portions of the scriptures by ortho- dox sects, a further weeding out of the unnatural and irrational from things spiritual and worshipful. The tenets of the Mormon church are these : The bible is the inspired record of God's dealings with men in the eastern hemisphere; the book of Mormon is the inspired record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of this continent; the book of Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints consists of revelations from God concerning the present dispensation to Joseph Smith, who was inspired to translate the book of Mormon and organize the church of Christ anew. Joseph Smith to the present dispensation is as Moses was to Israel; there is no conflict, either in per- sonages or books. The statements, assertions, prom- ises, and prophecies of the books, and the precepts and practices of the personages, are accepted, all of them, and held to be the revealed will to man of one and the same God, whose will it is the duty and en- deavor of his people to carry out in every particular to the best of their ability.

There are more gods than one. There are spirit- ual gifts. Not only must there be faith in Christ, but .faith in the holy priesthood, and faith in continual