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are aliens. I found that I had got out of the United States and come to Utah. I have never got over that feehng jet, and I think I will get out of Utah and back into the United States again."

14; 18G9, Apr. 14, July 7, Oct. 13; 1870, Apr. 13, May 11, Oct. 12, Nov. 2;

1871, Apr. 1-J, May 24, Oct. 11; 1872, Apr. 10, 17, 24, May 1, Aug. 28, Oct. 9, 16; 187o, Apr. 9, 16, May 7, Aug. 13, Oct. 8; 1874, Apr. 8, May 13, Oct. 14; 1875, Mar. 3, Apr. 14, 21, Oct. 13; 1876, Apr. 12, Oct. 11; 1877, May 16, June 6, 13, Oct. 10; 1878, Mar. 9, Apr. 10, Oct. 9, 10; 1879, Apr. 9, 16; Oct. 15; 1884. Apr. 7; high council, 1877, Oct. 24; meetings of priesthood, 1877, Oct. 10, Dec. 5; 1878, Feb. 6; 1879, Mar. 12; epist., 1879, Apr. 2; ciders' disc,

1872, Jan. 24; 1873, Jan. 22, Apr. 16; 1874, Jan. 21, Apr. 22, May 6, 27; 1S76, May 3, Oct. 11; 1877, May 16, 28; 1878, Feb. 13; hist, of Morm. (from St Louis Weekly tlhionj, Dec. 27, 1851; miscel. {from St Louis Bejmblican), S. F. Herald, Sept. 25, 1851.

For sermons and discourses, see also Millennial Star, passim; address, Kimball, Yomufs Journal of Discourses, ii. 354-7; sermons, Ferris, Utah and the Mormons, 217-32, 302-3; sermon, Brigham, Scdem (Or.) Statesman, Feb. 5, 1856; repts of confer., among others, Frontier Guardian, 1851, Jime 13, Oct. 31, Nov. 28; gen. epist., in Id., Nov. 14; various sermons, Young's Jour, of Disc., ii. passim; disc, Pratt, Ward's Ihi.sband in Utah, 79-103; ser- mons, Brigham, Sac. Union, 1855, Oct. 25, Dec. 13; 1857, Juno 16; sermons by Brigham and Kimball, et al., S. F. Alfa, 1854, May 16; 1S55, Apr. 6, May 1; 1857, Jan. 12, June 4, Oct. 14; i\ F. Bulletin, 1857, May 2; 1866, Apr. 18; lecture, Hyde, S. F. Herald, 1857, Apr. 14; rites and ceremonies, Ferris, Utah and the Mormons, 311-17; Gunnison's Mormons, 37-8; Femy's Journey to G. S. L. Git II, ii. 4-82; Derby, Overland Foide, 30-2; Fae's Westward by Fail, 123- 4; Beadle's Life in Utah, 255-9; Rusllnr/'s Acro.^s America, 1G6-9; Life among the Mormon.% 173-9; Boiler's Amonri the Indians, 401-3; Bowles' Our New West, 242-7; Stenhouse, Tell It All, 251, 387-9; Ward's Husband in Utah, 204- 8; Schiel, Rcise durch Felsengeb, 103-24; Smith's Fise, Pro<j7-e-<s, and Travels, 64-5; Utah Scrap.% 5, 16; Burton's City of Saints, 365-75. On faith and doc- trines, see Smith, Doc. and Gov., passim; S. F. Gol. Era, Dec. 1, 1867; Des. News, Sept. 14, 1864; Mackafs The Morm., 51-4; Ferris, Utah and Morm., 201-16; Gunnison's Morm., i^-Q^; Frontier Guardian, Feb. 20, \S!oO;Busch, Morm., 72-105; De Rupert's Gal. and Morm., 138-40; Times and Seasons, vi. 971; Tucker's Morm., 174-9; S. L. G. Contributor, ii. 192-324; church gov., Tullidge, Hist. S. L. City, 57-8; Todd's Sunset Land, 185-93; S. L. Direc, 1869, 58; Head, in Overland Monthly, v. 275-7; Utah Scrajx^ 8-9; Mackay's Morm., 293-305; Ferris, Utah and Morm., 171-7; Stansbury's Ex- plor. Exp., 1.35-9; Richards' JVarr., JNIS., 42; Smith's Ri^e, Prog., etc., 17- 18, 27-8; Green's Morm., 150-06, .308-19; Hyde's Morm., 18, 25, 101-2, 188- 9; The Morm. Proph., 120-1, 114-19; Ueadh's Life in Utah, 381-9; Remy's Journey to G. S. L. City, ii. 229-34; Voting's Wife No. 19, bll; Gunnison's Morm., 23-5, 57-61, 78-9; Sac. Union, June 26, 1857; theory of creation, Stenhouse'sR. M. Saints, 485-94; order of Enoch, /cZ. , 495 -503 ; law of adoption. Id., 503-6; book of Abraham, Id., 507-20; res. of infants, 483-4; Wasliington bap. by prox.. Id., 475-82; Hyde expelled, /(/., 640; negro Mormons, S. F. Bulletin, Nov. 14, 1884; pub. discuss., Pratt, Ser. of Pamph., no. 10, 1-46, no. 11, 1-40; Taylor's Govt of God, passim; Morm. pro and con, Chaudless' Visit to S. Lake, 156; Ward's Husband in Utah, 140-283; Gunnison's iMorin., 35, 164; Salem (Or.) Statesman, Dec. 5, 1854; S. F. Herald, 1854, Jan. 26, Aug. 23, Sept. 27; Alia, 1851, July 24, Aug. 6, 7; 1852, Dec 21; 1853, Nov. 26; 1854, June 25, 26; 1856, May 10, 15, June 13, Sept. 15, Dec. 17; 1858, Jan. 22; Cal. Chris. Advoc, Apr. 6, 1805; Bulletin, 1856, Aug. 21; 1877, Sept. 8; Sac. Union, 1855, Mar. 16, July 17, Dec 13; 1856, June 14; Morm. at Home, 65, 122-3, 142-5, 220-1; N. Y. Jour, of Com., in Pan. Star and Her.^