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True, the evils of the practice are not so great under a theocratic and patriarchal system like that of the Mormons, as it would be if allowed to run riot round the world, giving libertines the widest opportunity to deceive and then desert women; in which case there would be no need of prostitution to satisfy men's pas- sions, as the great barriers between the virtuous and the lewd would be for the most part broken down. Among the Mormons, this is prevented by strong re- ligious feeling, and by the patriarchal influence of the leaders. But the majority of mankind in the great outside world are not controlled by religion or reason — they simply drift.

Whether for this reason or some other reason, Mor- mons are not loyal to the government, and the issue is between polygamic theocracy and American repub- licanism. Nor are the fears of the friends of the lat- ter wholly groundless; for, as one writer said of it,

    • the Mornlon church is one of the best organized

systems in the world. The cunning of the devil and the sophistry of error are so mingled with truth as to make it one of the most powerful agencies to delude the ignorant." The truth is, the theocratic organiza- tion has already become absolute. Opposition stimu- lates propagandism, and persecution brings only de- fiance of federal authority and the moral sense of the nation. Legislation is defeated at every turn. The history of Utah is the history of the Mormon priest- hood in its attempt to subordinate the state to the church, and make the authority of the priesthood su- perior to that of the United States government.

So says civilization.

In answer, polygamy reiterates scriptural example and divine command, and repudiates civilization wherever it interferes with religion. Culture and progress, which set at defiance God's law, are of the devil. There is no retrogression in keeping the com- mands of the most high. God blessed Abraham, and