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In reply to the charge of disloyalty, of maintain- ing an anti- American attitude toward the people of America, of endeavoring by any illegal or indirect means to undermine the institutions of the country

    Seasons, vi. 798-9; Tullidge's Women, etc., 367-78; Bois4 Ciiy Statesman, Sept. 30, 1879; S. F. Alta, Nov. 13, 1857; Chronicle, 1880, Dec. 12; 1882. Feb. 15, July 29; Stock JRept, Jan. 8, 1880; Des. JSfews, 1857, May 13, July 16; 1866, Mar. 15; 1867, Apr. 17, 24; 1871, Oct. 11; S. L. Gontrib., ii. 213; Tribune, 1875, July 17; 1879, Oct. 10, 11; S. F. Herald, 1852, Sept. 17; 1853, Mar. 1; 1869, Aug. 28; 1880, Jan. 6, 18; sermons. Young, Bilke's Greater Brit., i. 129; Young, Jotir. of Disc, ii. 75-90; S. F. Bulletin, 1856, Sept. 16; 1862, Sept. 10; 1866, Oct. 26; 1869, Mar. 3; 1874, Nov. 13; Gall, 1867, Sept. 11; 1868, Sept. 5; Occident, July 10, 1873; Sac. Union, Jan. 12, 1856; Elko Indpt, Sept. 6, 1873; Pan. Star and Her., Jan. 1867; Boise Gity Statesman, July 24, 1869; Salem (Or.) Statesman, May 5, 1857; S. L. Herald, June 6, 1877; Ward's Hishand in Utah, 104-30, 245-6, 303-7; Des. News, May 25, 1870; Pratt, Smith, and Cannon, Discourses, passim; disc, Pratt, Des. News, Oct. 20, 1869; Hyde, S. F. Herald, Nov. 23, 1854; Des. News, May 9, 1860; Young (John), Id., Apr. 22, 1857; origin and prog., S. F. Bulletin, 1858, July 23; 1859, Apr. 16; 1868, July 18; 1869, Mar. 1; 1870, Nov. 12; 1871, July 6; 1872, Feb. 21, June 25; 1882, Mar. 3; Gall, 1865, Aug. 2; 1868, Aug. 29; 1869, Feb. 28; 1874, July 15, Oct. 21; Gol. Era, July 3, 1869; Plac. Times, Feb. 2, 1850; N. Y. Her., in Watsonville Pajar., June 6, 1872; Gal. Ghris. Advoc., Oct. 15, 1874; Gal. Farm., June 16, 1870; Des. News, 1866, Mar. 22, Apr. 19, May 17; 1879, May 7, 14; S. L. Gontrih., iii. 61; Herald, May 23, 77; Review, 1871, Dec. 11, 19; Telcqraph, May 26, 1868; Tribune, 1874, May 16; 1883, Oct. 20; Sac. Union, Nov. 26, Dec. 5, 1856; S. L. Herald, in Helena Gaz., Apr. 27, 1872; Gole, Gal, 18; Beadle's Letter, Jan. 1, 1869; Life in Utah, 346-7; The Morm. at Home, 94-5, 102, 111-12; Yoimfs Wife No. 19, 124-6, 135-59; Olshausen, Gesch. Morm., 175-84; Smucker's Hist. Morm., 402-24; Bertrand's 31em. Morm., 173-217; Busch, Gesch. Morm., 105-33, 313-17; Marshall's Through Amer., 221; Stenhouse's Englishwoman in Utah, 38-9, 76-87, 153-4; Slater, Morm., 85-6; Burton's Gity of Saints, 217, 301-2; The Morm. Proph., 211-14; Ferris' Utah and Morm., 239, 248-64, 309-11; Mackay's The Morm., 287; Olympia, Pion. and Dem., Feb. 6, 1857; women's opposition, Stenhouse's Ex- pos6, 34-41, 72-84; Tell It All, 393-404, 420-58.

    For arguments against polygamy, see Ward's Husband in Utah, 180, 303- 5; Beadle's Life in Utah, 262-4, 354-80; Nouv. Ann. Voy., cxliii. 183-4; Garvallo's Inc. of Travel, 151-4, 166-71; Hall's Morm. Exp., 52-5; Overland Monthly, vii. 551-8; De Rupert, Gal. and Morm., 153-62; Todd's Sunset Land, 161-212; Dilke's Greater Brit., i. 144-52; Remy's Journey, etc., ii. 137-72; Young's Wife No. 19, 98-109, 591-7; Pop. Scien. Month., Iii. 479-90, Ivi. 160-5; Godman's Round Trip, 173-277; Froiseth's Women, etc., passim; Jon- veaux, L'Amer., 230-49; Waite's Morm. Proph., 216-60; Book of Morm., 83, 132; Doc. and Gov., 218, 330; Tucker's Morm., 184-6, 267, 283; Times and Seasons, iv. 369; Ferris' tjtah and Morm., 309-10; Marshall's Through Ajner. , 178-9; Harper's Mag., liii. 647-51; Stansbury's Explor. Exp., 4-5;' Life Among Morm., 123-59; Utah Scraps, 15-17; Townsend's Morm. Triah, 42-3; Green- wood's New Life, 131-71, 161-3; Hubner's Ramble, 90, 116; Olshausen, Morm., 175-82; McGlure's Three Thous. Miles, etc., 158-9; Nordhoff's Gal, 43; Bur- toil's Gity of Saints, 517-25; Grimes of L, D. Saints, 30-4; Hyde's Morm., 2S4-5; Dixon's White Gong., I 200-14; Stenhouse's Exposi, 47-51, 146-53; Taylder's Morm., 148-83; Barnes' Atlan. to Pac., 56-8; Greeley's Overland Jour., 238-41; Howitt's Hist. Amer., ii. 356; Richardson's Beijond Miss., 360- 2; S. F. Advocate, Aug. 4, 1870; Alta, Mar. 26, 1877; Feb. 7, 1882; Bulletin, 1856, Aug. 18; 1860, Apr. 28; 1864, Jan. 18; 1865, Aug. 24; 1867, Oct. 25; 1870. Apr. 22, Sept. 2; 1871. Nov. 6; 1872. Sept. 25; 1873, Jan. 17, Dec. 17;