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enemies to their faith, they have not retahated. — On this point they are naturally very sore, — When de- prived of those sacred rights given to them in common with all American citizens, when disfranchised, their

Utah, Gov. Mess., 1882, 14; adultery, Dilke's Greater Brit., i. 127; Kanesville (Iowa) Front. Guard., June 13, 1851; Grimes of L. D. Saints, 2-6; condition of womeu, Dtiffus-FIarch/s Through Cities, etc., 103-4; Leslie, California, etc., 76-102; Putnam's Mag., 144-607, passim; Utah Scraps, 18-19; Young's Wife No. 19, 224-531, passim; Cradlebaugh, Speech of, 4r-7; Bowles' Our New West, 249-53; Ward's Husband in Utah, 23-303, passim; The Morm. Proph., 218- 77; Life Among Morm., 183-6; Prime's Around the World, 31-2; Dilke's Greater Brit., i. 129; Hyde's Morm., 51-82, 158-67; Hall's Morm., 113; Tucker's Morm., 173-82, 275-6; Appleton's Jour., xi. 547-8; Morm.. at Home, 116-85; Clark's Sights, MS., 7-11; Machay's The Morm., 298, 303; Smith's Mys. and Crimes, 38-43; Bonwick's Morm. and Silv. Mines, 110-140; Jackson's Bits of Trav. at Home, 22-7; Greenwood's New Life, 160-1; Gunnison's Morm., 75, 159-01; Stenhouse's Englishwoman, 202-339; ^^/(ose, 96-190; Tell It All, passim; S. F. Alta, July 17, 1873; Call, Oct. 8, 1876; Bulletin, 1856, Nov. 24; 1858, Nov. 17; 1871, May 4, July 25; 1872, Sept. 30; 1872, Aug. 20; 1877, July 19; Herald, Nov. 24, 1856; Mail, Jan. 4, 1876; Pacif. Baptist, Sept. 17, 1874; Post, Nov. 18, 1872; Eureka Sentinel, Jan. 22, 1875; Placer Herald, Nov. 4, 1871; Red Bluff Indept, Apr. 3, 1867; Sac. Union, Aug. 25, 1855; Aug. 19, 1857; Bee, Nov. 9, 1878; S. L. Obispo Tribune, May 5, 1877; Stockton In- dept, Mar. 8, 1879; 8. L. Des. News, Oct. 5, 1850; Jan. 15, 1868; Apr. 27, 1870; Herald, Nov. 12, 1878; June 25, 1879; Utah Rev., 1871, Aug, 21, Oct. 7, Dec. 7, 19; 1872, Jan. 17, 20, 24; Tribune, 1877, Apr. 28, May 19, 26, June 9; Kanesville (Iowa) Front. Guard., June 13, 1849; Belmont (Nev.) Cour., Jan. 12, 1878; Portland (Or.) Oregonian, Dec. 24, 1863; Ev. Telegram, May 5, 1879; Young's wives, Stenhouse's Englishwoman, 168-78; Expose, 154-97; Tell It All, 510-14; Ward's Husband in Utah, 243-4; Morm. at Home, 130- 1; Young's Wife No. 19, 598-605; S. L. Tribune, 1874, Apr. 25, May 23, July 18; S. F. Call, 1874, Aug. 27, Oct. 4; 1806, Mar. 29, Aug. 2; 1867, Feb. 1; Deer Lodge (Mont.) New N. West, Jan. 31, 1874. For references to polygamy in presidential messages, see S. F. Times, June 27, 1869; U. S. H. Ex. Doc, i., 42 Coug., 2d Sess.; S. F. Bulletin, Aug. 1, 1872; Post, Feb. 15, 1873; Elko Indept, Dec. 18, 1875; 8. L. Herald, Dec. 8, 1881; N. Y. The Natim, Dec. 15, 1881.

In his message to the congress of 1883-4, the president favors a re- peal of the organic act, and recommends a federal commission as a substitute. In commenting upon this, the Des. News declares that the destruction of the local government will fail to destroy polygamy, neither can 'commissions, edicts, or armies, or any other earthly powers, ' for the plural marriages of the Mormons are ecclesiastical, pei-petual, and eternal. Says W. S. Godbie, a well-known writer on Mormonism, in a letter to the 8. L. Tribune of Dec. 9, 1883, after first quoting George Q. Cannon as preaching in the tabernacle 'it is not vox populi vox Dei, 'but ' vox Dei vox populi,' 'The essence of the whole Utah question lies couched in these telling words of the ciiurch organ and the leading apostle.'

For the messages of Utah governors touching polygamy, see Utah Jour. Legis., 1862-3, app. v.-viii.; 1872, 32-4; 1876, 31-3, 34, 240; 1878, 43, 44-5, 47-9; Utah, Gov. Mess., 1882, 11; S. F. Call, Jan. 28, 1872; Jan. 17, 1878; Prescott Miner, Apr. 30, 1875; Morm. Prophet, 79-84; Hazen's report, in Hayes' Scraj^s, R. li. iii. 212; discussions in congress, S. F. Bulletin, Mar. 23, 1870; Call, 1870, Feb. 19, Mar. 24, Aug. 16; Chronicle, Feb. 16, 18S2; Deer Lodge NewN, West, Apr. 29, 1870; S. L. Dy Telegraph, Mar. 23, 24, 1870; Des. News, May 16, 1860; Apr. 26, 1866; Apr. 3, 1867; Mar. 9, 1870; Apr. 6, 1870; Nov. 29, 1871; Mar. 6, 1872; Tribune, May 15, 1875; Millennial Star, xxxiv. 257-63, 268-