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Grant it, they answer ; is it a crime ? May not peo- ple legally labor hard, practise frugality, worship God after their own fashion, and vote as they choose? Is this contrary to the free enlightenment of American institutions ?

Of what are the people of the United States afraid, with their fifty millions of free, intelligent, progress- ive men and women, that they should deem it their duty to be seized with such a savage hate toward this handful of poor and despised religionists? In the evo- lution of society as an organism, the fittest is sure to remain. If this principle be true, it is perfectly safe to let the Mormons alone. Their evil practices, as well as those of their enemies, are sure in due time to be dissipated by the ever-increasing enlightenment of

between Mormon and non-Mormon. The table includes the Mormon settle-

no match

ments in Idaho.