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History of Warren County.
Vol. 9.

phe:n^ix edition. GLEN'S FALLS, N. Y., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1864. No. 23. A GREAT FIRE !— One of the most destructive fires that ever happened in any village in the Northern States, visit- ed Glen's Falls on Thursday last, May 31st, consuming the entire business por- tion of the village and sweeping away the wealth and accumulations of years. The central part of the place is one mass of ruins. Only three stores remain. All the printing offices were destroyed — we saved our little Card Press, but not enough type to set a card. — The morn- ing after the fire we received the follow- ing from the Editor of the Sandy Hill Herald, to whose kindness we are in- debted for type and ink to print this paper : — "Friend Cole: My office is at your disposal. E. D. Baker." The following account is mainly taken from the Republican extra, issued from the Herald office : — About 3 o'clock the flames, were first seen bursting through the roof of the Glen's Falls Hotel kitchen. The alarm was instantly given. Engines, Firemen and Citizens sprang as if by magic to the threatened spot, but owing to a high wind and scarcity of water the flames rapidly spread, in a few moments envel- oping the main portion of the Hotel, and from thence to the Commercial Bank, Rich's Jewelry Store, the Centre House, Glen's Falls Bank, Weed & Sherman's store, law office of Davis and Harris, Keenan & Wing's office, Wing's dry goods store. Ranger's book store. Re- publican printing office, Harris' Boot and Shoe store. Peat's tailoring estab- lishment and the Mansion House. Above the Glen's Falls Hotel, the fire had spread to Smith & Ambler's, De- Vol's and Hubbard's clothing stores,. Sheldon's drug store, Fonda's, Lasher & Freligh's, Rice's and Cowles & Co.'s dry goods stores, Sisson's drug store, Mes- senger office. Leavens' store, Goodman's- marble shop, Bolles' book store and Colvin's cabinet store. Crossing Glen street the fire first attacked Brown & Byrne's grocery store, and Vanderhey- den's building with Bassinger's jewelry store and Clements' restaurant, and from thence ran rapidly to Ide & Co.'s boot and shoe store, Farrington's liquor store, the fruit stand of Bevins, Smith's boot and shoe store, Tearse's grain store — finally arrested by almost super- human exertion at the residence of Mr. Samuel Ranger. On the west side of Ridge street, the warehouse of Brown & Byrne, Norris' wagon shop, and two dwelling houses^ were soon enveloped in flames. On the east side the fire communicated with D. H. Cowles & Co., Clendon's drug store, Conkey's daguerrean rooms, internal revenue office, gas office, dentist's office^ etc., driving with demoniac fury to the Post Office, Ferriss' law office. Seaman & Richards' candy establishment, Mrs. Brydon & Whiting's millinery store,. Traphagan's harness shop, and from thence to the fine residence of Mr. Ezra Benedict, attacking at the same time- the dwellings of A. W. Flack and Mr.
