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The County Press.

— The Messenger office was insured for $1,000, which has been promptly paid. There was a mortgage on the office of $500 ; after paying this with interest, we have left, out of the insurance, onlv four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents. Those who are in- debted to the Messenger will see that we need all that is our due, and we trust they will promptly respond, that we may be enabled to procure material for printing the Messenger on a larger sheet than this. With our next issue we pro- pose to send bills to all subscribers in arrears, and all others who feel disposed to aid us in getting a new press, may pay in advance, for as long a period as they can afford, and they will be credit- ed with the amount and the paper sent the full time — or paid in advertising — if it be for a thousand years. Providence permitting. Money may safely be sent by mail. — Already "shanties" are being built along the streets, and quite a number of our dealers have resumed business. The funds and valuables in the Banks came out all right. The Commercial Bank is now located in the insurance building, to which the Internal Revenue Collector's office has also been removed. The Glen's Falls Bank is in the brick dwelling house nearly opposite the American Hotel. The post office occupies the place for- merly known as Judge Hay's office, on Park St. G. W. Sisson's drug store is opposite the American Hotel, on Bay St. The Messenger office is now operating in a cornhouse, one mile north of the old place, on the Lake George road. I^All property taken from the fire, the owners of which have not been found, should be left at the new stone church on Glen St., where it may be identified. Our files of the Messenger were burned, and we will be thankful for back num- bers returned to us. — Hardly room enough this week for the letter just received from the ii8th Regiment. — Gen. Grant is pounding away at the very doors of Richmond. SUPREME COURT— The Dividend Mutual Insurance Company against Albert N. Cheney, George W. Cheney and Lucinda Cheney, his wife. Notice is hereby given that in pursu- ance and by virtue of a judgment of fore- closure and sale rendered in the above en- tilled action on the 22d day of April, 1863, the judgment roll whereof was filed and the judgment entered in the Warren Coun- ty Clerk's office on the loth day of May, 1864, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as the law directs, at the Glen's Falls Hotel in Glen's Falls, Warren County, New York, on the 2 5thday of June, 1864, at ten o'clock A. M., the premises and property described in said judgment as follows : " All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the village of Glen's Falls aforesaid and bounded as fol- lows, to wit ; Beginning in the center of the Plank Road leading from Glen's Falls to Lake George and at the southwesterly corner of Orville Cronkhite's land" [now owned by the Glen's Falls Insurance Company], "and running thence north sixty-si. degrees east along said Cronkhite's land eleven chains and eighty-three links to James Sisson's land , thence south along said Sisson's land two chains and sixty-one links ; thence south sixty-six degrees west ten chains and eigh- teen links to the centre of said Plank Road ; thence north twenty-nine degrees west along the centre of said Plank Road two chains and thirty-seven links to the place of begin- ning, be the same more or less." Dated May loth, 1864. D. V. BROWN, Sheriff By Wm. Cosgrove, Deputy. S. Brown, Plff's Att'y, Glen's Falls, N. Y. ALVRRIED.— In Greenwich, May 23d, by Rev. Mr. Abbott, Mr. Wesley Allen, of this village, to Miss Abbie White, of Sandy Hill. EXECUTORS' NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Benjamin S. Thomp- son, late of the town of Chester in the County of Warren, deceased, that they are required to exhibite the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, Henry Thompson, one of the executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, at his dwelling-house in said town of Chester, on or before the 4th day of Sep- tember next. Dated March 3d, 1864. HENRY THOMPSON, ISAAC TOWSLEY, nnm6 Executors.