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The County Press.

A. Morris and Son (A. H. Morris). In January, 188 1, the establishment was purchased by L. C. Dickinson, who is present editor and proprietor, with C. E. Cole as assistant. It is a handsome country journal of eight pages, six columns to the page and independent. It is very ably conducted.

The thrift and energy of the village of Glens Falls is particularly manifested by the fact that although as yet but a village, it possesses two daily newspapers. It is a sign of enterprise and prosperity, and of that spirit which is the most distinguishing characteristic of modern times, especially in the United States. It is the spirit, become a habit, with which a business or professional man, or an artisan sits down to his breakfast, paper in hand, and, learning of the movements of foreign armies, of the dissensions in the English House of Commons or the German Reichstag; and of the measures proposed and adopted or rejected by the Legislature of his own State and country, as well as the rumors of gossip and the reports of crime and casualties the world over, finds argument for the reflections of a day. The daily press disseminates intelligence, while the weekly press and more deliberate publications give utterance to the prophecies which wise and experienced men deduce from the significant happenings of the times.

The Glens Falls Daily Times, a handsome, eight-column sheet, was started June 2 1 St, 1879. It was at the beginning but a 16x10 paper, printed on a quarto- medium Gordon press, one side at a time.. The first proprietor was A. B. Colvin. On January ist, 1883, John H. Burnham bought a half interest in the business and has been associated with Mr. Colvin ever since. The Glens Falls Weekly Times was first published in the spring of 1880, by Mr. Colvin. The editorial rooms are situated in the Times building in Glen street. The paper is ably edited both with reference to its mechanical appearance and the editorial expressions of its proprietors. Five libel suits have been brought against it, none of which terminated in a judgment for the plaintiff", a fact which is most significant as revealing at once the fearless aggressiveness and fidelity to truth and justice of those who are responsible for the utterances of the paper.

The Morning Star, published daily excepting Sundays, was started on the 2d day of April, 1883, by its present proprietors, J. C. Mahoney, T. J. Lord, B. W. Sprague and A. L. McMullen, who compose the Star Publishing Company. In August, 1883, they began the issue of their weekly papers. The office is on the corner of Glen and Ridge streets. The paper is a world of methodical mechanical arrangement and neatness, and contains always a full and cornplete account of the local. State, national and foreign news of the day. Its editorial expressions are judicious and impartial. These qualities conspire to increase its circulation and value as an advertising medium, and augment the encouraging prosperity of the enterprise.