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Town of Johnsburgh.

1879. It cost about $2,500. The seventh is also a Methodist Church, erected in Weavertown in 1879-80, at a cost of $2,500. It is very neat and commodious. Its dimensions are thirty-two by forty-eight feet. The Catholic Church of North Creek was organized in 1875, and the edifice erected in the same year at an expense of $2,300. The first pastor and Sunday-school superintendent was Rev. J. A. Kelly. Father Lynch followed him, and was followed by Father Green. Next came Father O'Mahoney, now of Warrensburgh, and in the fall of 1884 the present pastor. Father Flood, was settled as pastor.

Following is a list of the names of the supervisors from 1807, to the present time, and a list, also, of the present town officers: 1807-17, John Richards (in 1811 he was elected unanimously); 1820, '21, John Boyd; 1822, John Richards; 1823-27, Archibald Noble; 1829-32, Nicholas Rosevelt; 1833, Thomas Somerville; 1834, '35, Jacob Wilcox; 1836, '37, John D. Dunn; 1838, Thomas Somerville; 1839, David Noble; 1840, '41, John Richards; 1842, Nicholas Rosevelt; 1843-46, John Hodgson, 2d; 1847-50, John Noble, 2d; 1851, John D. Somerville; 1852, Nicholas Rosevelt; 1853, John Hodgson; 1854, Hugh Waddell; 1855-57, Samuel Somerville, jr.; 1858, John Noble, 2d; 1859, John Hodgson; 1860, George P. Wait; 1861, John Hodgson; 1862-65, Robert Waddell; 1866, Charles W. Noble; 1867,'68, Godfrey R. Martine; 1870, William Waddell, 1871, '72, Barclay Thomas; 1873, John Straight; 1874, Barclay Thomas; 1875-77, James C. Eldridge; 1878, '79, William Waddell; 1880, '81, James C. Eldridge; 1882, A. C. Hall; 1883, '84, Charles W. Noble; 1885, Taylor J. Eldridge.

The present town officers are: supervisor, Taylor J. Eldridge; town clerk, Archibald R. Noble; justices of the peace, Charles W. Noble, William H. Waldron, Samuel Somerville, Thomas Eldridge; assessors, Seymour C. Armstrong, John A. Straight, George S. Bennett; commissioner of highways, Harry Richards; overseers of the poor, William Dillon, Samuel Rexford; collector, Robert T. Armstrong; constables, Robert T. Armstrong, George Wells, William Johnston Luther Waldron; game constable, Seth T. Thomas; inspectors of election, district No. 1. John T. Somerville, Thomas W. Armstrong, Delbert Pasco; district No. 2, William H. Waldron, J. B. Randall, Patrick Collins.

The population of the town has been recorded as follows:—1850, 1,503; 1855, 1,983; 1860, 2,188; 1865, 2,286; 1870, 2,599; 1875, 2,577; 1880, 2,742.

Municipal History.—We have departed, for the sake of convenience, from the usual method of writing town histories, and have already included much that might have properly come under another head. We could not adopt a different here without lessening the value of the matter so well compiled by Mr. Noble, and edited by Dr. Holden. There are some sketches, however,