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determination he saved money, and in 1883 opened a hardware business in Swanston Street, opposite the Town Hall, Melbourne. He devoted his attention particularly to ironmongery and high-class electroplate ware. Soon his concern became a notable one in Melbourne, and his stock of electroplate ware had no equal in the city. Again he was on the road to fortune. Then the days of the great Melbourne land-boom came, and Mr. Illingworth, with friends, became a large holder of city and suburban property. Rapidly he amassed wealth, but, unfortunately, he did not sell his property in time. The first heralds of the crash came in the failure of financial institutions he was interested in, and his wealth dwindled down. Eventually he went to England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland on behalf of several financial concerns he was interested in; and after transacting his business with a fair amount of success, he sailed again for Australia, pleased that fortune was again within his reach. At Ceylon cablegrams acquainted him with the failure of the well-known firm of Baring Bros., which caused the projects for which he made the tour to collapse. The remnant of his capital and the hopes of a third fortune were now almost gone. When Albany was reached,further cablegrams and telegrams awaited him announcing the failure of financial houses in Melbourne with which he was identified. That was in November, 1890. He did not at once return to Melbourne, but visited Perth instead. As a result of careful observation he decided to take up his residence in this colony, then awakening to prosperity. It was his intention to open a hardware business in Perth, but Melbourne capitalists entrusted him with the control of properties they held in Western Australia. These necessitated such attention that Mr.Illingworth determined to engage in a land agency business. He duly opened an office, and by much energy, application, and determination he worked up a large concern. The land agency business is now among the largest in Perth. Since 1891 he has purchased several estates and sold them in allotments, and represented numerous large landholders. His previous experience has been put to account, and by great caution and consideration he has acquired a solid connection. As showing the stability which he attained, he was one of the few who successfully weathered the stress of the fall in prices of land in Perth in 1893. He is now a leader in real estate in Perth, and enjoys the confidence of numerous clients.

While in Victoria Mr. Illingworth was active in political matters. When possessed of his Swanston Street business he was elected a member of the Victorian Legislative Council for the Northern Province, which embraces Bendigo and surrounding districts. There were 8,600 voters on the roll for this constituency, and he defeated his opponent by sixty-four votes. As can be well understood, Mr. Illingworth had no ordinary standing in Parliament. He soon proved himself strong in debate, and showed that he had an intimate knowledge of the requirements of the colony, and also of Parliamentary procedure. As evidencing the respect with which he was viewed in the latter regard, when a Constitutional difficulty arose between the Legislative Council and the Assembly of Victoria, he was chosen as a member of the committee of the former which met in conference with representatives of the Lower House. For the rest he was recognised as an intelligent politician. During his first few weeks in Perth he telegraphed his resignation of the seat in the Legislative Council, and upon taking up his residence in this colony he was naturally sincerely interested in the new Constitution. He reached here just after the first elections under autonomy took place, and he watched with close observation the growth and course of politics. When the general elections of 1894 were held, he was nominated for one of the three newly-created seats on the goldfields. He conducted the campaign with zest, and was elected by a large majority for the Nannine constituency, which embraces practically the whole of the Murchison Goldfields. The factions he represented were numerous and the interests immense; but Mr. Illingworth showed that he was equal to the call upon him. With unremitting energy he has watched over the interests of his large constituency in the Assembly, and that the electors have secured so many privileges is largely due to his determination. In the first session he became a strong force, but in 1895 and 1896 he rose more in general favour and influence, and while Mr. Leake was absent in England last year, he was tentatively the leader of the Opposition. Mr. Illingworth is looked to as one of the strong influences against a strong Government. In the 1895 session of Parliament he moved a vote of want of confidence in regard to additional representation for the goldfields. The populations on these goldfields have so largely increased in proportion to those of other parts of the colony, that the people clamour for more representatives in Parliament. The goldfields contribute so much to the general prosperity that the goldfields people agitate with reason. Although it was a foregone conclusion, recognising the strength of the Government, that the vote of want of confidence would be unsuccessful, yet Mr. Illingworth was able to so far force the hands of the Cabinet that they promised to seriously consider the matter. This has since been done, with the result that new electorates (1897) have been declared on the goldfields, and Mr. Illingworth deserves especial credit for his work in securing the additional representation. Among the first questions of public moment which he prominently identified himself with was that of the ecclesiastical grant in relation to State aid to religious denominations and to assisted schools. He used his influence to have this abolished, and free and compulsory education is now practically in force. In the Mining Act, the Mining Accident Act and the Electoral Act, he proposed, and succeeded in carrying numerous amendments, and proved, that though a fearless critic of the Government, he was also a generous one. As a public speaker he holds his own with most politicians in the colony.

In 1868 Mr. Illingworth married Miss Elizabeth Tarry, who recently died. Their son, Mr. Arthur E. Illingworth, is a prominent member of the Australian Natives' Association, and is vice-president of the Perth Branch. A daughter was a very successful student at the Melbourne University, and, in music particularly, she took honours. Mr. Illingworth is actively associated with temperance work, and is a member of every temperance association in the colony. He is a well-preserved man, fluent in conversation as well as in public speaking. His has been a varied life, and although he has met many reverses, he has overcome them all. His rise in Western Australia has been rapid.