Page:History of Whittington and his cat (1).pdf/6

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to work?—I am not able, answered the man.—Not able! says Sir William, I am sure you look very well; give him a few stripes. Upon this the planter struck him several times, but the poor man kept his seat.

They then left him, to look over the plantation, exclaiming against his obstinacy all the way they went; but how surprized were they, on their return, to find the poor man fallen off the place where he had been sitting, and dead! The cruelty, says Sir William, of my ordering the poor man to be beaten while in the agonies of death, lies always next my heart. It is what I shall never forget, and will for ever prevent my judging rashly of people who appear in distress. How do we know what our own children may come to! The Lord have mercy on the poor, and defend them from the proud, the unconsiderate, and the avaracious.

But, to return to Whittington, who