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to convince you, I will directly take the form of a lion." The Cat was so much terrified at finding himself so near a lion, that he sprang from him, and climbed to the roof of the house, but not without much difficulty, as his boots were not very fit to walk upon the tiles.

Some minutes after, the Cat perceiving that the Ogre had quitted the form of a lion, ventured to come down from the tiles, and owned that he had been a good deal frightened. “I have been further informed," continued the Cat, “but I know not how to believe it, that you have the power of taking the form of the smallest animals also; for example, of changing yourself to a rat or mouse. I confess I should think this must be impossible.” “Impossible! you shall see;" and, at the same instant, changed himself into a mouse, and began to frisk about the room. The Cat no sooner cast his eyes upon the Ogre in this form, than he sprang upon him, and devoured him in an instant.

In the meantime, the King admiring, as he came near it, the magnificent castle of the Ogre, ordered his attendants to drive up to the gates, as he wished to take a nearer view of it. The Cat, hearing the noise of the carriage on the draw-bridge, immediately came out, saying-“Your Majesty is welcome to the castle of my Lord Marquis of Carabas.” “And is this splendid castle yours also, my Lord Marquis