Page:History of Will and Jean, or, The sad effects of drunkenness (1).pdf/11

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                  T H E  U P S H O T  O F  T H E  H I S T O R Y
                        OH! that folk wad weel consider
                          What it is to tyne a name,
                        What this warl's athegither,
                          If bereft of honest fame!
                        Poortith ne'er can bring dishonour
                          Hardships ne'er breed sorrows smart,
                        If bright conscience taks upon her
                          To shed sunshine round the heart.
                        But wi' a' that walth can borrow,
                          Guilty shame will ay look down;
                        What maun then shame, want, and sorrow,
                          Wandering sad frae town to town!
                        Jeanie Miller, ance sae cheerie,
                          Ance sae happy, guid, and fair,
                        Left by Will, neist morning drearie
                          Taks the road of black despair;
                        Cauld the blast, the day was sleeting,
                          Pouch and purse without a plack,
                        In ilk hand a bairnie greeting,
                          And the third tied on her back
                        Wan her face! and lean and haggard!
                          Ance sae sonsie, ance sae sweet!
                        What a change! --unhoused and beggared,
                          Starving--without claise or meat.