Page:History of Will and Jean, or, The sad effects of drunkenness (1).pdf/14

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                     Wha thus travels cauld and hungry,
                       Wi'young bairns sae late at e'en?
                     Beggars, cried the voice mair angry,
                       Beggars wi' their brats I ween.
                     Beggars now, alas! wha lately
                       Helpt the beggar and the poor;
                     Fye, gudeman, cried ane discreetly,
                       Taunt na poortith at the door.
                     Sic a night and tale thegither
                       Plead for mair than anger's din;
                     Rise Jock, cried the pitying mither,
                       Rise and let the wretched in.
                     Beggar now, alas! wha lately
                       Helpt the beggar and the poor!
                     Enter, quo the youth, discreetly,
                       While up flew the open door.
                     Beggar, or what else, sad mourner,
                       Enter without fear or dread;
                     Here, thank God, there's aye a corner
                       To defend the houseless head.
                     For your bairnies cease repining;
                       If in life ye'll see them soon;
                     Aff he flew; and brightly shining
                       Through the dark clouds, brak the moon.
                     Here, for ae night's kind protection,
                       Leave we Jean and weans awhile,
                     Tracing Will in ilk direction,
                       Far frae Britain's fostering isle.