Page:History of Will and Jean, or, The sad effects of drunkenness (1).pdf/8

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                     Weel he saw her smothered sorrow;
                       Weel he saw her bleaching cheek;
                     Marked the smile he strave to borrow,
                       Whan, puir thing, she couldna speak.
                     Jean, at first took little head o'
                       Owkly clubs 'mang three or four,
                     Thought, kind soul, that Will had need o'
                       Heartsome hours when wark was owre.
                     But whan now that nightly meetings,
                       Sat and drank frae sax till twa,
                     When she found that hard earned gettings
                       Now on drink war thrown awa;
                     Saw her Will, wha ance sae cheery
                       Raise ilk inorning wi' the lark,
                     Now grown mauchless, dowf, and swear aye
                       To look near his farm or wark;
                     Saw him tyne his manly spirit,
                       Healthy. bloom and sprightly e'e;
                     And of love and have grown wearit,
                       Nightly frae his family flee;
                     Wha could blame her heart's complaining;
                       Wha condemn her sorrows meek,
                     Or the tears that now ilk evening
                       Bleached her lately crimsoned cheek?
                     Will, wha lang had rued and swithered,
                       (Aye ashamed of past disgrace);
                     Marked the roses as they withered
                       Fast on Jeanie's lovely face.