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History of Woman Suffrage
jorities in State Legislatures. He was in favor of carrying the movement into the fundamental law of the land. The negro's hour is passed, and it is woman's hour now. The negro has had his day, his cause has triumphed, and as woman is a citizen, and we need her ballot in the government, I hope that this movement may have a triumphant success.

Committees[1] were appointed. Mrs. Wright of Auburn, N. Y., stated that her sister, Lucretia Mott,had charged her with a message to the Convention, she sent her "God speed" to the movement, and regretted that she could not be present.

Paulina W. Davis read an interesting history of the woman's, rights movement, giving a brief sketch of its leaders. Miss Anthony introduced a series of resolutions,[2] which were laid on the table for debate.

Mrs. M. Gage, Secretary of the Suffrage Association of New York, addressed the Convention. She thought the world had never yet seen what woman could do, because she had never been given the opportunity. The ballot is the symbol of a higher power than a king's crown; it is the promise of justice to him who holds it. John Bright said no oppression, however hoary headed, could stand the voice of the people. Mrs. Susan Edson}}, of Washington, desired to have the Committee on Resolutions urge upon Congress the passage of the bill now before it, providing for the reorganization of the Treasury Department, but opposing that section of the bill which fixes the salary of the female employees lower than that of the men. She thought this was a proper subject for the convention to discuss.

At the evening session Mrs. Josephine S. Griffing occupied the chair.

Hon. Jamer M. Scovill, of New Jersey, said:—I believe in heroism. Grant won with the sword at Appomattox what Charles Sumner contended for half a century—an idea. That idea is the liberty of all, limited by the like liberty of each. To-night we are here to bow to conscience, not to caste. Susan B. Anthony, the heroine of the hour, sustained by such brave souls as crowd this platform, who for the last twenty years have worked without fear and


  1. On Resolutions—Miss Susan B. Anthony, Dr. J. P. Root, Miss Phoebe Couzins, Rev. Samuel J. May, Mrs. M. E. J. Gage, Mrs. Colby, Mrs. Jacob Ela. On Finance Mrs. Paulina W. Davis, Miss S. B. Anthony, Mrs. B. Lockwood, Mrs. M. Wright, Mr. Wilcox. On Credentials—Mrs. Josephine S. Griffing, Mr. Stillman, Mrs. A. D. Cridge.
  2. Resolved, That the National Woman's Suffrage Convention respectfully ask the XLI. Congress of the United States First To submit to the Legislatures of the several States a XVI. Amendment to the Federal Constitution, prohibiting the disfranchisement of any of their citizens on account of sex. Second. To strike the word "male" from the laws governing the District of Columbia. Third. To enfranchise the women of Utah as the one safe, sure and swift means to abolish polygamy in that Territory. Fourth. To amend the laws of the United States so that women shall receive the same pay as men for services rendered the government.