Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 2.djvu/684

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History of Woman Suffrage.

Beverly W. Jones, a witness, called in behalf of the United States, testified as follows: Examined by Mr. Crowley:

Q. Mr. Jones, where do you reside? A. 8th Ward, Rochester.

Q. Where were you living on the 5th of November, 1872? A. Same place.

Q. Do you know the defendant, Miss Susan B. Anthony? A. Yes, sir.

Q. In what capacity were you acting upon that day, if any, in relation to elections? A. Inspector of election.

Q. Into how many election districts is the 8th Ward divided, if it contains more than one? A. Two, sir.

Q. In what election district were you inspector of elections? A. The first district.

Q. Who were inspectors with you? A. Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall.

Q. Had the Board of Inspectors been regularly organized? A. Yes, sir.

Q. Upon the 5th day of November, did the defendant, Susan B. Anthony, vote in the first election district of the 8th Ward of the city of Rochester?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Did you see her vote? A. Yes, sir.

Q. Will you state to the jury what tickets she voted, whether State, Assembly, Congress and Electoral? Objected to as calling for a conclusion.

Q. State what tickets she voted, if you know, Mr. Jones. A. If I recollect right she voted the Electoral ticket, Congressional ticket, State ticket, and Assembly ticket.

Q. Was there an election for member of Congress from that district and for Representative at large in Congress, for the State of New York, held on the 5th of November, in the city of Rochester? A. I think there was; yes, sir.

Q. In what Congressional District was the city of Rochester at the time? A. The 29th.

Q. Did you receive the tickets from Miss Anthony? A. Yes, sir.

Q. What did you do with them when you received them? A. Put them in the separate boxes where they belonged.

Q. State to the jury whether you had separate boxes for the several tickets voted in that election district? A. Yes, sir; we had.

Q. Was Miss Anthony challenged upon that occasion? A. Yes, sir—no; not on that day she wasn't.

Q. She was not challenged on the day she voted? A. No, sir.

Cross-examination by Judge Selden:

Q. Prior to the election, was there a registry of voters in that district made? A. Yes, sir.

Q. Were you one of the officers engaged in making that registry? A. Yes, sir.

Q. When the registry was being made did Miss Anthony appear before the Board of Registry and claim to be registered as a voter? A. She did.