Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 3.djvu/1076

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Appendix: Chapter LVI.
  • 1862. Social Science Congress in London; though not the first time ladies had read papers at the congress—this was remarkable for the increased share they took in its proceedings .... Ladies' Negro Emancipation Society commenced .... New church order of deaconeeses founded on the model of Kaiserwerth .... First voyage of Miss Rye to Australia, and commencement of her system of emigration.
  • 1863. Establishment of Queen's Institute, Dublin, for industrial training of women.
  • 1864. Female Medical and Obstetrical Society begun .... Working Women's College, Queen's Square, opened October 26.
  • 1865. Miss Garrett receives her medical diploma from Apothecaries' Hall.
  • 1866. A petition of 1,500 women for the franchise presented, and the first women's suffrage society formed.
  • 1867. Mr.Mill's motion in the House of Commons to give the suffrage to women .... Lily Maxwell voted in Manchester for Mr.Jacob Bright.
  • 1868. In the general election many women who were left on the register voted.Women's suffrage was declared illegal by the Court of Common Pleas, November 9 .... London University establishes a women's examination.
  • 1869. Ladies' Educational Association begun in London, which was dissolved July 18, 1878, upon London University College admitting women as regular students .... Women's College established at Hitchin, October .... The telegraph service was transferred to government, and women clerks were retained, thus entering the civil service .... Municipal Franchise act passed; women first voted under it November I.
  • 1870. Publication of Women's Suffrage Journal commenced March 1 .... Women's Disabilities Removal bill introduced by Mr.Jacob Bright, M.P., read a second time, but rejected in committee, May .... Lectures for women begun in Cambridge .... First examinations of women in Queen's University, Ireland .... Married Women's Property act (England) passed, August 9 .... National Indian Association established by Mary Carpenter (principal object: the improvement of women's education in India), September .... Vigilance Association established, October; mainly occupied in women's questions .... Elementary Education act passed .... First school-board election in London, November 25 (Miss Garrett and Miss Emily Davies elected in London; Miss Becker, Manchester, etc.).
  • 1871. Ladies' National Health Association commenced by Dr.Elizabeth Blackwell .... Law of Ireland amended slightly with regard to married women's property .... National Union for improving the education of women established by Mrs.Grey, November..
  • 1872. New Hospital for Women, opened February, in Marylebone (women doctors) .... Girls' Public Day School Company formed.First school opened January I, at Chelsea; there are now fifteen .... Girton College, Cambridge, incorporated.Hitchin College subsequently removed to it .... New Bastardy act, passed August 10, affording a greater measure of relief to unmarried mothers.
  • 1873. Mrs.Nassau Senior, appointed assistant inspector of workhouses, January; the first government appointment of a lady; made permanent, February, 1874 .... First school-board election,in Scotland, February (twenty ladies elected) .... Second English school-board .... Custody of Infants act passed, which enables a man, having a deed of separation from his wife, to give up the custody of the children to her if he chooses.
  • 1874. Women's Peace and Arbitration Auxiliary of the London Peace Society formed, April .... Women's Protection and Provident League formed, July 8 (benefit societies and trades unions for working women) .... Protection Orders given to wives in Scotland, July 19 .... College for Working Women, Fitzroy street, London, opened October .... London School of Medicine for Women, opened October 12.