Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1207

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  • in N. D., 548; work in Mass., 726 et al.; in N. H., 816; in Penn., 900. Field, Kate, for wom. suff., 235; 275.
  • Fish, Sarah, 299.
  • Fisher, Chief Justice, wom. suff. in Wy., 1091.
  • Fisk, Mrs. Clinton D., 1057.
  • Fleming, Gov. a P. (Fla.), opp. to wom. suff., 212.
  • Flemming, William. H., M. C., 586.
  • Fletcher, Alice C., 183; 331.
  • Flood, Cora Jane, endowment to univers., 507.
  • Florida, names for, Chap. XXXIV.
  • Flower, Gov. Roswell P. (N. Y.), ani ee 843; recom. wom. delegates,
  • Folger, Gov. Charles J. (N. Y.), 61.
  • Folsom, Mariana T., in Texas, 416; 628; 931.
  • Foltz, Ciara S., in Calif., 478 et al.
  • Foss, Mrs. Cyrus D., 1071.
  • Foster, Abby Kelly, 227.
  • Foster, Judith Ellen, 19; at Nat'l Repub. conv. of '96, 439; same, 1900, 444; in Col., 520; 569; 576; in Ida., 590; in Kas., 645; in Mass., 705; in R. L., 910; in Utah, 955.
  • Foster, Julia (Mrs. J. Heron), 19; 61.
  • Foster, Julia T., 19; 27; 61; 126.
  • Foster, Rachel G. (See Avery).
  • Foulke, Hon. William Dudley, sp. at suff. conv. of '90, 167; 173; 202; trib. to Lucy Stone, 225; 408; 411; 414; at Amer. conv. of '86, 418; value of dreamers, 421; independ. of politician, 422; 423; at Amer. conv. of '88, 428; 646; in Ind., 614; in Kas., 640; in Boston, 706; in Minn., 772.
  • Fox, Hattie E., 222.
  • Francis, Mary C., 245.
  • Franklin, Benjamin, on suff., 66.
  • Fray, Ellen Sully, 173.
  • Frear, Associate Justice W. F. (Hawaii), 347.
  • Fredericksen, Kirstine (Denm'k), 711.
  • French, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Permeal (Ida.), 594.
  • See Sofja Levovna (Russia), 304.
  • Fuller, Gov. Levi K. (Vt.), 959.
  • Fyler, Lizzie Dorman, 19; 475.


  • Gaffney, Fannie Humphreys, 306.
  • Gage, Frances Dana, 61; 204; mem. serv., 409-10; trib. of Clara Barton. 429; 614.
  • Gage, Gov. Henry T. (Cal.), 486; 506.
  • Gage, Matilda Joslyn, work on Hist. of Wom. Suff., III; sells rights in, VI; VII; 27; feminine in science, 28; 57; wom. suff. under U. s. constn., 118; 126; 136; 152; 163; mem. res., 345; in Dak., 552; work in N. Y., 839 et al.; test case for sch. suff., 867; in Va., 964.
  • Gallé, Margarethe, 301.
  • Gallinger, U. S. Sen. Jacob H., wom. suff. in N. H., 815.
  • Gamble, U. S. Sen. Robert J., for wom. suff., 559.
  • Gardiner, Helen H., 146; 263; 715.
  • Garfield, President James A., 295; on wom. suff., 1075.
  • Garrett, Mary E., endows Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., 700.
  • Garrison,' Ellen Wright (Mrs. Wm. Lloyd, Jr.), 298.
  • Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Sr., 23; first wom. rights petit., 720.
  • Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Jr., 61; 164; 174; at conv. of '91, 183; before U. S. Senate com. in '98, 305; poem to Miss Anthony, 395; 433; work in Mass., 705 et al.; 712; in R. I, 907-8.
  • Gates, George A., pres. Iowa Coll., 276; for wom. suff, 629.
  • Gates, Merrill E., pres. Reolict Coll., 709.
  • Gates, Susa Young, 956.
  • George, Mrs. A. J., opposes wom. suff., 382; same, 741.
  • George, U. S. Sen. J. Z., 194; rep. against wom. suff., 201.
  • Georgia, names for, Chap. XXXV.
  • Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 207; 435; work for police matrons, 856; 1055.
  • Gibbons, Cardinal, opp. wom. suff., 367.
  • Giddings, Joshua R., 614.
  • Giddings, Mrs. W. D., 322.
  • Gifford, Prof. Jennie, 235.
  • Gillett, Emma M. 571; 574.
  • Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, 1016.
  • Gleed, J. W., 318.
  • Glenesk, Lord (Eng.), for wom. suff., 101.
  • Goddard, Mary Catharine, early woman editor, 695.
  • Goggin, Catharine, 611.
  • Goldstein, Vida (Australia), 1031.
  • Gompers, Samuel, 184; letter approv. wom. suff., 334.
  • Goodnight, Isaac H., M. C, 235.
  • Goodrich, Sarah Knox, work i in Cal., 478 et al.
  • Gordon, Anna, 304.
  • Gordon, Kate M., 360; writes La. chap., 678: work in Sewerage and Drainage League, 682,