Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1217

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  • 666; in Maine, 689; in Md., 696; in Mass., 703 et al.; in Mich., 750; same, 757; in Ann Arbor, 758; 759; 760; before Mich. Legis., 764.3 in Minn., 773; in Mo., 790; 791; in Neb., 803; in N. J., 825; in Nev., 810; in N. Y., 841; debates wom. suff, with Dr. Buckley, 841; in N. Y. camp'n, 849; 1s Ohio, 879-80; Ore., 893; in Penn., 809; we Utah, 947; in Vt. 957; in W. Va., 981; in Wis., 986; visits Wy., 1005.
  • Shaw, Helen Adelaide, 361; 719 et al.
  • Shaw, Pauline Agassiz (Mrs. Quincy A.), gives $1,000 to pub. Vol. IV, Hist. of Wom. Suff., VII.
  • Shaw, Gov. Leslie M. (Iowa), 636.
  • Sheehan, Lieut.-Gov.-William F. (N. Y.), opp. wom. suff., 854; 855; 857.
  • Sheldon, Ellen, H., 27; 126.
  • Sherman, U. S Sen. John, 7.
  • Shippen, Rev. Rush R., 71; 117.
  • Shinn, Harriet A., 228.
  • Shortridge, Charles M., 487.
  • Shortridge, Hon. Samuel, 480.
  • Sidgwick, Mrs. Henry, principal Newnham Coll. (Eng.), petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
  • Simmons, Anna R 558; 791.
  • Simpson, Jerry, M. C., 231.
  • Simpson, Bishop Matthew, for wom. suff., 24; 61; 410.
  • Skidmore, Marian, 259.
  • Sloss, Judge M. G (Calif.), decis. on wom. suff., 504.
  • Smith, Alice, 235.
  • Smith, Mrs. Clinton, 575.
  • Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, 227.
  • Smith, Gerrit, 203; 227.
  • Smith, Hannah Whitall, 121.
  • Smith, Dr. Julia Holmes, at Nat'l. Dem. conv. of '96, 439; 606; 610.
  • Smith, Rev. Samuel G., 361.
  • Smith, Sara Winthrop, 6; 184; 201; 218: wom. suff. under Const'n., 234.
  • Smith, Mrs. William Alden, 322.
  • Snow, Eliza R., 1052.
  • Solomon, Hannah G., 1053.
  • Somerset, Lady Henry, 710; 714; 718.
  • South Carolina, names for, Chap. LXIII.
  • Southwick, Sarah Hussey, 275.
  • Southwick, Thankful, 227.
  • Southworth, Louisa, nat'l, enrollment, 137; 219; 240; donat. for hdgrs. 250; 257; 286; work in Ohio, 878 et al.; for W. C. T. U., 879.
  • Spaulding, Bishop, for wom. suff., 366.
  • Spence, Catherine (Australia), 221; 224; 730.
  • Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, 61; sp. at conv. of as 179; sp. before Senate com. of '98, moral develop. and wom. suff., 308; sp. at conv. of '99, wom. in our new possessions, 328; in Boston, 707; same, 712, in N. Y., 855; writes R. I. chap., 907; work in R I., 908 et al.; 920.
  • Sperry, Mary S. (Mrs, Austin), work in Cal., 486 et al.
  • Spinner, U. S. Treasurer F. E., 123.
  • Spofford, Ainsworth R., 715.
  • Spofford, Charles W., 15; 188; hospitality to Miss Anthony, 366.
  • Spofford, Jane H. (Mrs. Charles W.), 15; 27; 126; 174; work for wom. suff, 188; hospitality to Miss Anthony, 366; 571; in Maine, 690.
  • Spreckles, Claus, community property case, 502.
  • Springer, William M., M. C., opp. wom. suff., 998.
  • Squire, Gov. Watson C. (Wash.), testimony for wom. suff. 155; 968.
  • St. John, Gov. John P. (Kas.), for wom. suff., 648.
  • Stafford, St. Rep. Wendell Phillips, 713; 959.
  • Stanford Jane. Lathrop. (Mrs. Leland), 356; endows univers., 507.
  • Stanford, U. S. Sen. Leland, trib. to, 227; founds univers., 507; 554.
  • Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, ten yrs. work on Hist. of Wom. Suff., III; sells rights in Hist. to Miss Anthony, VI; mental vigor at 87, VII; tries to prevent “male" in Nat'l. Consti., 2; organizes Nat'l. Ass'n., 14; calls conv. of '84, 15; 21; 27; self-gov't. best means of self-development, 40; sp. at conv. of '85, 57; rights of wom. in church, 59; power of relig. over wom., 60: 70; res. on wom. suff. and church, 75; 112; ridicules rep. of_ Brown and Cockrell, 113; part in Int'l. Council of Wom., 124; sp. at same, 133; 136; 137; woman's constit'l. right to vote, 138; objects to thanking men for justice, 145; 150; prophecy fulfilled, 153; before U. S. Sen. com. of '90, 158: questioned by com., 161; 163; friendship for Miss Anthony, 164; great sp. at conv. of '90, 165; 169; 174; degradation of disfranchm't, 176; last appearance at nat'l. conv., 186; Solitude of Self, 189; 205: trib. to dead, 227; 236; 80th birthday, 250; Woman's Bible, 263; Miss Anthony defends her, 264; House com. in '96, 268; 288; sp. at conv. of '98, our defeats and our triumphs, 291; 299; 304; before