Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/647

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into the movement. Many memories were awakened, however, in those older in years and service of the days when conventions were largely a time of serious conferences and impassioned appeal; a time when one banquet table was all sufficient but those who gathered around it were very near and dear to each other as they consecrated themselves anew to continue the work till the hour of victory, which seemed very far ahead.

The 14th of February was the seventy-third birthday of Dr. Shaw, who had died the preceding July 2, and the 15th was the one hundredth of Susan B. Anthony, falling on Sunday this year, but it was arranged to have the memorial services for Dr. Shaw on the afternoon of this day. The following program was carried out:

Memorial to Dr. Anna Howard Shaw
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Corner Lake Shore Drive and Delaware Place
Dr. Stone, pastor of the church, presiding.
Sunday, February 15, 1921.

"She was a genuine American with all the qualities which in fiction collect about that name but which are not so often seen in real life; an American with the measureless patience, the deep and gentle humor, the whimsical and tolerant philosophy and the dauntless courage, physical as well as moral, which we find most satisfyingly displayed in Lincoln, of all our heroes."—New York "Times".

Organ Prelude, "In Memoriam."
Anthem by Choir, "How blest are they."
Anthem, "Crossing the bar."
Scripture Lesson, Bishop Samuel Fallows, D.D., LL.D.
Greetings and Communications, Miss Caroline Ruutz-Rees.
Address—Memory Pictures, Mrs. Florence Cotnam.
Anthem—The Shepherds and Wise Men. (Composed for this occasion by Witter Bynner and A. Madely Richardson.)
Address—The Courageous Leader, Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw.
Address—Reminiscences, Miss Jane Addams.
Address—Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
A Closing Word, Rev. John Timothy Stone, D.D., LL.D.
The Last Farewell, Dr. Caroline Bartlett Crane.
Hymn—"My Country 'Tis of Thee."
Choir Refrain.
Organ Postlude—Toccata.