Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/814

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  • ters sent to 4,000 clergymen asking for wom. suff. in sermons on Mother's Day, 407; work in N. J. and W. Va, 448; see Clergy.
  • Churchill, Isabella, 102.
  • Churchill, Mrs. Winston, 442.
  • Citizenship Schools, 607; 690.
  • Clapp, U. S. Sen. Moses E, invites natl. suff. conv. to St. Paul, 382; 383; on suff. platform, 459; 626
  • Clark, Speaker Champ, helps wom. suff, xxi; name applauded at suff. conv, 402; invites Dr. Shaw to Speaker's bench, 440; assists Congressl. Com, 451; 515; promises vote for Fed. Amend, 516; supports creation of Com. on Wom. Suff, 524-5; assists in vote for Fed. Amend, 562; advises new res. for, Amend, 577; assists Amend, 620, 633-4-5; promises vote for, 637; endorses wom. suff, 708.
  • Clark, Mrs. Champ, greetings to natl. suff. conv, 341; sends flowers to, 446.
  • Clark, U. S. Rep. Clarence D. (Wyo.), 657.
  • Clark, U. S. Rep. Frank (Fla.), 384.
  • Clark, Gov. George W. (Iowa), 668.
  • Clark, Mrs. Orton H, 425.
  • Clark, Chief Justice Walter, 632.
  • Clarke, Grace Julian, 670.
  • Clarkson, Director U. S. Council of Natl. Defense Grosvenor B, tribute to Dr. Shaw, 760.
  • Clay, U. S. Sen. Alexander S, 291; 290.
  • Clay, Laura, address to conv. 10901, 13; 20: 35; 42; 89: 08; 118; 127; 140; 180; 202; 211; 220-1; 244; 260; 265: responds to welcome of natl. suff. conv, 267; 282; 280; every protection which manhood can offer to womanhood should be extended, 305: social order depends on women, 308; founder and pres. Ky. Eq. Rights Assn, welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Louisville: recalls visits of the pioneers, Lucy Stone and Susan B Anthony; pays tribute to Men's Leagues for Wom. Suff, 311: makes suff. address bef. House of Governors, 314: has Natl. Suff. Bd. ask members of Cong. to empower woman to vote for U. S. Senators, 314: 334; for Fed. Elect. Bill, 424; explains it, 452; debate on future work of Natl. Assn, 486; speaks on U. S. Elections Bill, 405; conv. endorses, 501; 504: wants form of Fed. Amend. changed, 561; work for Fed. Elections Bill, 659, 660, 669; vice-pres. South Wom. Conf, 671.
  • Clay, Mary B, 208.
  • Clayton, Judge Henry D, presides at House hearing on wom. suff, photographed, 354; asks questions, 360-1; promises consideration and offers to “frank” the hearing reports, 363; 389.
  • Clement, Gov. Percival W. (Vt.), 653.
  • Clergy, in New Orleans endorse wom. suff, 56, 64, 68, 70; in Washtn, 98; objections reviewed, 138; changed attitude, 141; in Canada, 259; testimony in equal suff. States, 308. See names in footnotes of first 19 chapters of those officiating at natl. suff. convs.
  • Cleveland, President Grover, Dr. Shaw answers, 125; 131; she criticizes article against women's clubs, 158; second against wom. suff, 163; 166; 175.
  • Cockran, Mrs. Bourke, 258.
  • Codman, Mrs. J. M, 670.
  • Coe, Mrs. Henry Waldo, 120; 134.
  • Coggeshall, Mary J, 43; 80; tributes to, 139; 212; bequest to Natl. Suff. — 442; used for Iowa campn, 455.
  • Colby, Secretary of State Bainbridge, proclaims Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, Vi; xxiii; 652; effort to enjoin, 6534; brings message from Pres. Wilson to suff. mass meeting, 652; Men's Anti-Suff. Assn. tries to prevent proclaiming Amend, 681-2.
  • Colby, Clara Bewick, Industrial Problems of Women, 19; 31; 35; shows Govt. and civil service unfair to women. 44; same, 63; ed. of Woman's Tribune, 132; 254; addresses House Judic. Com, describes past hearings, Mrs. Stanton's and Miss Anthony's speeches, 428: life work for Fed. Elections Bill, 452, 658; memorial to, 540.
  • College Women's Equal Suffrage League, formed, 159: object of, 171; fully org. in 1908, evening at natl. suff. conv, 226, 229-30; at natl. suff. conv. of 1000, 255; of 1910, 283: of 1911, 319; has an evening at conv, noted speakers, 320-1; debate at natl. suff. conv. in 1912 bet. suffs. and pretended “antis”, 342; in 1914, 425; in 1915, 450; 483; deputation calls on President. 626; sketch of; organization, officers, 661-2-3; great force for wom. suff,