Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/829

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  • Kirby, U. S. Sen. William F, speaks for Fed. Amend, 645.
  • Kitchin, U. S. Rep. Claude (N. C), 584-
  • Knowland, U. S. Rep. Joseph R, praises worn. suff. in Calif, 433.
  • Knowles, Antoinette, 162.
  • Knox, U. S. Sen. Philander Chase, 516.
  • Kramers, Martina G. (Holland), 341.
  • Krebs, Abbie A, 710.
  • Krog. Gina (Norway), letter to intl. conf, 27.


  • Labor, 93 unions endorse woni. suff. in 1007, 218; St. Fedn. for it in Wash, 257; organizations demand it, 281. See American Federation of Labor.
  • Ladies' Home Journal, prints attacks on women's clubs and worn, suff, 131; refuses to allow answers, 163; Barry's article on Colo, 314; tries to find "antis" in Colo, 393.
  • Lafferty, U. S. Rep. A. W. (Ore.), urges Fed. Suff. Amend, 357. ollette, Fola, 326.
  • La Follette, U. S. Sen. Robert M, presents Fed. Amend, petition, natl. suff. conv. thanks, 275; Mrs. La Follette. 324; Son. and Mrs. receive delegates to natl. suff. conv, many in official life present, 382; Senator asks worn. suff. plank in natl. platform, 705.
  • Laidlaw, James Lees, presides at Men's Night, natl. suff. conv, 1912, 1 Senate hearing, expediency worn, suff, 340; presides Men's League, 1913. 377: says anti-suffs. distrust democracy. 303'. presides, 1014. 407; holds Dr. Shaw's annuity fund, 458; pres. Natl. Men's Suff. 674.
  • Laidlaw. Mrs. James Lees, at natl. suff. conv, 1910, 200; elected natl. auditor, 324; responds to conv. greetings, 334; speaks at Senate hearing, 347; assists in ovation to Dr. Shaw, 457; presents war service flag, 517; 519; women's war work in N. Y, 533: 541; at mem. service for Dr. Shaw, 611.
  • Lamar, Mrs Joseph, 726.
  • Lambson. Nellie H, 120.
  • Lane, Secretary of the Interior Franklin K with Mrs. Lane, 382; on suff. platform, brings good will of Pres. Wilson to natl. conv. and expresses his own belief in worn, suff, 520; tribute to Dr. Shaw, 760.
  • Lane, Mrs. Franklin K, 515.
  • Langhorne, Orra, 146.
  • Langston, J. Luther, 288.
  • Lansing, Secretary of State Robert, opp. to wom, suff, 515; 708.
  • Lansing, Mrs. Robert, opp. to wom, suff, 515.
  • Larch-Miller, Aloysius, 607.
  • Lathrop, Julia, great speech at natl. suff. conv; woman suff. inevitable step in march of society; not a mad revolution; working women's is not the ignorant vote; women must vote to protect the family, 343 — 345; asks worn. suff. for welfare of mother and child, 496, 499; on recep. com. for natl. conv, 515; speaks for ratif. of Fed. Amend, 606; works for it, 650; on child labor, 686; report of Child Welfare Dept. during the war. 730.
  • Laughlin, Gail, on The Industrial Laggard, 19; 37; 42; addresses Senate Com, 47; praised, asks square deal for women, at natl. conv. of 1905, 139.
  • Lawther, Anna B, 559; 568.
  • Lea, U. S. Sen. Luke, addresses natl. suff. conv, 1914, gives reasons for voting for Fed. Suff. Amend; results in equal suff. States irrefutable argument; scores "anti" women, 408; 627.
  • League of Nations. Natl. Suff. Assn. sends dele. to congresses, 557: assn; favors, 575; Dr. Shaw makes speaking tour for it with former Pres. Taft and Pres. Lowell, 739-40.
  • League to Enforce Peace, memorial to Dr. Shaw, 607; Dr. Shaw. mem. exec. com. speaks for. 758.
  • League of Women Voters. National. vi; originated by Mrs. Catt, 541; Call for. 552; Mrs. Catt urges orgztn, shows necessity; dominating feature of natl. suff. conv. in 1919, 553-4; Natl. Assn. refuses to merge till Fed. Amend. is secured, 561; name decided on, constitn. adopted Mrs. Catt outlines aims, 570; Natl. Exec. Council recommends; $20,000 appropriated, 574; formal orgztn, objects agreed upon, 576; Call to first cong, 1919, 594; lion's share of natl. suff. conv, 595; Pres. Wilson sends his best wishes, 599; org. as independent society, auxiliaries of