Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/834

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  • Morgan, Laura Puffer, 442; 430.
  • Morgan, Mrs. Raymond B, 664.
  • Morgan, Mrs. W. Y, 495; 517.
  • Mormonism, attack on in anti-suff. speech, Sen. Sutherland protests; its part in wom. suff, 467-8.
  • Morris, Esther, 34; 73.
  • Morrisson, Mrs. James W, elected natl. rec. secy, 456; work 'for suff. parade in Chicago. during Repub. Natl. Conv, tribute to Mrs. Medill McCormick, 482; 485; 501.
  • Morton, Dr. Rosalie Slaughter, urges higher moral standard for men, 224.
  • Moses, U. S. Sen. George H, Roosevelt urges to vote for Fed. "Amend, 571.
  • Moss, U. S. Rep. Hunter H. (W. a votes for Fed. Suff. Amend, 31.
  • Mosshart, Gertrude C, 528.
  • Mott, Anna C, 74.
  • Mott, Lucretia, 185; 2190; “the inspired preacher,” 333-4; reminis. of, 569; calls first Woman's Rights Conv, 618; at first one in Washtn, 621; 664.
  • Mountford Lydia von Finkelstein, 41.
  • Moylan, Penn, home of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, 740.
  • Munds, Frances W, 341.
  • Municipal Suffrage, plan of work for, 10; Jane Addams shows women's need of, 178; campn. for, 104; Prof. Sophonisba Breckinridge urges; its value in New Orleans, 195; Anna E. Nicholas shows need of, 196; defeated in Chicago by charter conv, 195; Miss Addams tells of, 207; in Kans, 196; in New Orleans, 195-6; women's petitions for in Chicago, 302; granted in Tenn, 551; in Fla. and Atlanta, 602; in Vt, 632.
  • Municipal Work, women's, in New York, 38; in Phila, 177.
  • Murdock, U. S. Rep. Victor (Kans.), 377.
  • Mussey, Ellen Spencer, 295.
  • Myers, Dr. Annice Jeffreys, 134; 145; 147; 152; 204; memorial, 328.
  • Myers, Jefferson, 109; pays tribute to Miss Anthony, her co-workers and their cause, 122.
  • Mythen, Rev. James Grattan, 340.


  • Names, distinguished list on receiving com. for natl. suff. conv. of 1915, 515; those in war service, 517.
  • Nashville, entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1914 in Representatives' Hall, welcomed by Mayor Hilary Howse, 398.
  • Nathan, Maud, 95; on the Wage Earner and the Ballot, 96; 110; on Women Warriors, 181; 559.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association, efforts for planks in natl. polit. convs, see Planks; work for Fed. Amend, XVI; orgztn. of two branches and their union, objects and work, 1, 2; its convs, Congress. hearings, money raised, nation-wide efforts and their result, chapters I to XIX inclusive; list of officers, first page of each; business women's tribute, 21; calls intl. suff. conf, 24; conv. protests against “regulated” vice in Philippines, appts. com. to see Pres. Roosevelt, who declares against it and War Dept. stops it, 44; attacked on “race question” states its neutral position, 59; plan of work for 1903, 61; assists campns., in Ore, 147; S. Dak, 240; Okla, 252; Ariz, S. Dak, 253; passes res. of non-partisanship, 343; membership and petitions compared with anti-suff's, 392; permeated with new life in 1915, great accession of young women, 441; repudiates Shafroth Palmer Amend; resolves to work only for original Fed. Amend, 452; coöperation with Congressl. Union found impossible, 454; elects Mrs. Catt pres, 455-6; ovation to Dr. Shaw, 457; demand for Fed. Amend, 460; work of 63 St. auxiliaries; attacks no party, 464; Dr. Shaw shows diff. bet. it and Congressl. Union, 471; debate at Atlantic City conv. on its future policy, 486; Dr. Shaw urges no change, 487; Mrs. Catt takes same view, 501; nation-wide plan of work, 510; Call for conv. of 1917 demands Fed. Amend. from Cong, 513; officers in war service, 517; Exec. Council pledges loyalty and service to Govt, 518, 527; decides to enter polit. campns, 542; celebrates 50th anniv, 551; no conv. in 1918; conf. of Exec. Council at Indpls; Call for natl. conv. in 1919; changed character of convs, 552; nation-wide work for Fed. Amend, 554 — 557; campns. against anti-suff. candidates for Cong, 557; gives $30,720 to suff. campns. in Mich, S. Dak. and Okla, 558; natl. conv.