Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/838

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  • erature, large sales, valuable suggestions, 267–9; on Congressl. Com, 319.
  • Pendleton, Pres. Ellen F, 663.
  • Penfield, Jean Nelson, 338; bef. Senate com, women's need of ballot in social service work, 352; on tour for ratif, 606; same, 650.
  • Penfield, Perle, 253; 261.
  • Penn, Hannah, only woman Governor, 334.
  • Penn, William, Govt. free only when people make laws, 334.
  • Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy V, report on Child Welfare, 560; 687; 690; 697.
  • Penrose, U. S. Sen. Boies, refuses to see suff. dele, 516; opp. to suff. plank in Repub. natl. platform, 711.
  • Perkins, Prof. Emma M, 212.
  • Perkins, Mrs. Roger G, 494.
  • Perkins, Mrs. S. M. C., 656.
  • Petersen, Florence Bennett, 669-70.
  • Petition of National American Suffrage Association for Federal Amendment, list of com, immense work, 258; report on vast work, Mrs. Catt's contrib. signatures of writers; automobile parade to Capitol to present; vote of thanks to members from natl. suff. conv, 1910; last petition, 274-5; distinguished signers, 300; in 1913, 368; 200,000 names presented to Senate, 378; those of suffs. and "antis' compared, 392; first to Cong. for wom. suff, 619; first for 16th Amend, 623; great petition 1913, 626; for Wom. Suff. Com, 633; to senate for Fed. Amend, 638; initiative petit. of 38,000 in Mo, 402; 98,000 Conn. women petit. Legis. for Pres. suff, 602; 11,000 in Del. to U. S. Senate for Fed. Amend, 638; treatment of petitions in Mass, 188.
  • Phelan, U. S. Sen. James D, 645.
  • Philadelphia, municipal corruption, need of women's votes, 65, 72; ignoring of women's civic work, 177; entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1912, overflow meetings, 332; great rally in Independence Square, 333.
  • Philippines, wom. suff. soc. formed, 561.
  • Phillips, Elsie Cole, at Senate hearing; need of the ballot by wives and mothers of working classes; theirs not the ignorant vote, 348; 361.
  • "Picketing," work of natl. Press Bureau to counteract; Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw condemn, editorials on, 529-30.
  • Pierce, Charlotte, 16; 209; sole survivor of first Woman's Rights Convention, 333; 559; natl. conv. sends letter, 1920, 610.
  • Pierce, Katherine, 685.
  • Pierce, Rev. U. G. B, 459; 515.
  • Pinchot, Gifford, shows nation's need of women's vote, 377.
  • Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford, entertains Natl. Bd, 516; report on Industrial Protection of Women, 560; 731.
  • Pinkham, Winona Osborne, 729.
  • Pioneers, at natl. conv. '02, 31; suff. luncheon at natl. conv. in Chicago, 615.
  • Pittman, U. S. Sen. Key, 713.
  • Pitzer, Annie, 341.
  • Planks, for Woman Suffrage, efforts to obtain in platforms of polit. parties; Repub. and Dem. endorse suff. in 1916 but not Fed. Amend; efforts at State convs, 504-5; Natl. Assn's. effort to secure from natl. Pres. convs, in 1904, 702; in 1908, 703; in 1912, 704-8; in 1916, 509, 708; in 1920, 715. See Chapter XXIII.
  • Plan of work, for 1901, 10; for 1906, 163; for 1909, 240; for 1917, 510.
  • Platt, Margaret B, 247.
  • Plummer, Mary R, 667.
  • Podell, Nettie A, 286.
  • Pohl, Dr. Esther Lovejoy, 133.
  • Poindexter, U. S. Sen. Miles, 638.
  • Poindexter, Mrs. Miles, 382.
  • Polk, Gov. Joseph K. (Mo.), 668.
  • Pollock, U. S. Sen. William P, speaks for Fed. Suff. Amend, 565, 642; copies of speech sent to southern States, 603; tries to obtain needed vote, 641; 647.
  • Pomerene, ú. S. Sen. Atlee, refuses to represent his State on Fed. Suff. Amend, 598.
  • Pomeroy, U. S. Sen. S. C, offers first res. for Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, in 1868, 621.
  • Porritt, Annie G, Laws Affecting Women and Children, 494; 532.
  • Portland, Ore, entertains natl. suff. conv, 117; Mrs. Duniway and others meet the delegates, cordial welcome from press and people, 119.
  • Porto Rico, Natl. Assn. asks wom. suff. for, 11; suff. soc. formed, 561.