Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/840

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  • Rankin, Jeannette, report as field secy, 368; tells of Montana victory, 409; on Congressl. Com, 451; as U. S. Rep. addresses suff. conv, 520-1; tells of her bill for nationality of wives, 521; speaks at natl. suff. headqrs. in Washtn, 523; introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 524; urges it at Senate hearing, 546; 548; grills anti-suff. speaker, 584; vote against war, 585; first wom. Representative, speaks at suff. headqrs. and escorted to Capitol, 632; 633; opens debate on Fed. Amend, 636.
  • Ranlett, Helen, 368; 405.
  • Ransdeil, U. S. Sen. Joseph E, on Wom. Suff. Com, 383; votes for Fed. Amend, 627.
  • Ratification of Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, Mrs. Catt's plans and work for; sends representatives to Governors, 649-650; effort for spec. sessions of Legis, New York and Kans. lead; Mrs. Catt heads deputation to western States, 650; action of southern section; Conn. and Vt, 651; great fight in Tenn, Mrs. Catt leads, Pres. Wilson assists, 652; Maine and Ohio try referendum, U. S. Sup. Ct. decision, final victory, Amend. proclaimed, 652; Conn. then ratifies and later Vt, 653; appeals to courts, 653-655. See St. chapters in Vol. VI near end of each. Fight on by Men's Anti-Suff. Assn. in Conn, Md, W. Va, and Tenn, 681-2.
  • Ratifications of Federal Amendment, partial list, 606.
  • Red Cross, 535; natl. suff. cony. asks that women be represented on its War Council; women do much of its work, plan of wom. nurses in army hospitals orig. with a woman and first military hospital was estab. by a woman; com. appointed to confer with Red Cross, 540; branch in natl. suff. headqrs, 567.
  • Reed, U. S. Sen. James A, 638; 645.
  • Reed, Speaker Thomas B, 73; for wom. suff. 236.
  • Reid, Mrs. Ogden Mills, 519.
  • Reilley, Mrs. Eugene, 490.
  • Reilly, Caroline I, 249; report of Natl. Press Bureau for 1911; its work extends around the globe, 315; for 1912, 20 syndicates on list, 2,000 copies of press bulletin sent weekly to every State and many countries, spec. editions for papers prepared, 3,000 letters answered during year, 336; 604.
  • Remsen, Pres. Ira, presides at coll. wom. suff. evening, in Balto, 168; invites natl. suff. cony. to visit Johns Hopkins, 183.
  • Reports on Federal Suffrage Amendment, Senate and House Coms. urged to report, 299, 303, 309; refuse, 1912, 363; from coms. of Cong, 624; favorable from Senate, 626, 633; few reports from House, 627; from House Com. on Rules, 628; from House Judic, 631; from House Wom. Suff. Com. 635.
  • Republican National Committee refuses to give natl. suff. com. list of its candidates for Cong, 319; receives suff. speakers, 440; natl. suff, cony. thanks chmn. for help with Fed. Amend, 610; effort for amend, 636-638; Mrs. Catt thanks, 648; work for ratification, 651-2; in 1920 sends out appeal for it, 715.
  • Republican National Conventions, one in 1916 declares for wom. suff, 480; refuses plank for Fed. Amend. but endorse wom. suff, 505; struggle over plank, 509-10; action on League of Women Voters' planks, 700; on wom. suff. planks in 1904, 702; in 1908, 703; in 1912, 704; great struggle in 1916, names of friends and foes, State's rights plank, 710-712; in 1920, Natl. Suff. Assn. demands ratif. of Fed. Amend, presents plank, Res. Com. evades, 716-17; women ask representation in party, partially conceded, 717.
  • Republican Party, attitude toward wom. suff, xviii, xx; adopts plank, xxi; vote in Cong, xxii, xxiii; record on Fed. Suff. Amend, 430; why was it not held responsible, 434; record of members of Cong. on Fed. Suff. Amend, 474-5; vote of members of Cong. on Wom. Suff. Com, 525; vote of members of Cong. on Fed. Amend, 563, 565; members in Cong. responsible for delay of Amend, 598; promise Amend, 620; do not assist, 625; vote in Cong. on Fed. Amend, Senate, 624, 627; Lower House, 629, 636; Senate, 640, 642; House, 644; Senate, 646. See 647-8-9. Res. of Senators, 639; party makes first dec