Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/848

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  • matter, 431; fallacy shown in vote for Fed. Prohib. Amend, 449; vote for this Amend, 537; a “phantom” in South, 580; Repub. natl. conv. declares for, 711; most men in U. S. recd. suff. from Govt, not States, 745-6.
  • States, six more grant wom. suff, 708-9, 715.
  • Stearns, Sarah Burger, 146.
  • Steele, Mrs. W. D, 553.
  • Steinem, Pauline, 187-8; educatl. suff. work, 224; 260; women neglected in histories, 263; chmn. Com, on Education, 286; valuable 320.
  • Stern, Meta L, 280.
  • Stevens, Isaac N, 103.
  • Stevenson, U. S. Sen. Isaac, 320.
  • Stevenson, Dr. Sarah Hackett, 280.
  • Stewart, Ella S, reviews clergy's objection to wom. suff, 138; scores ex-Pres. Cleveland and Dr. Abbott, ridicules so-called chivalry, 166; at Congressl. hearing, 189; welcomes natl. conv. to Chicago, 194; 220-1; elected natl. vice-pres, 238; 260; witty remarks, 261-2; 265; re-elected, 282; 289; 324; at Senate hearing, 349; work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; at House hearing, 395; org. Miss. Valley Conf, 667-8.
  • Stewart, Oliver W, 190.
  • Stiles, Florence, 450.
  • Stilwell, Mrs. Horace C, director Natl. Assn, 541; assists Congressl. Com, 567.
  • Stockman, Eleanor C, 76.
  • Stockwell, Maud C. (Mrs. S. A.), welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Minneapolis, 8; meets dele. to Seattle conv, 244: 249; 668.
  • Stockwell, S. A, 244.
  • Stolle, Antonie, 40-1.
  • Stone, Rev. John Timothy, D.D, officiates at mem. service for Dr. Shaw, 611.
  • Stone, Lucinda H, 656.
  • Stone, Lucy, 1; marriage, 12, 33; Dr. Shaw's tribute, 74; great leader, 107; 148; Mrs. Howe tells of, 155; 185; tributes from college women at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 169 — 172; for admis. of women to Cornell Univ, 169; 194; days at Oberlin Coll, 220; tribute of Mrs. Villard, 261; of Mrs. McCulloch, 278; 279; visit to Ky. in early '50's, 311; natl. suff. conv. passes res. of indebtedness, 560: 622: 664.
  • Stone, Melville E, for wom. suff, 296.
  • Stone, Collector of Port William F, welcomes natl. suff. conv, 154.
  • Stone, U. S. Sen. William J, for wom. suff. plank in Dem. natl. platform, 713.
  • Stoner, Mrs. Wesley Martin, 672.
  • Stowe-Gullen, Dr. Augusta (Canada), 27; 72.
  • Strachan, Grace C, 2090.
  • Straight, Dorothy Whitney, contrib. to N. Y. campn, 5109.
  • Strong, Dr. Josiah, 258.
  • Stubbs, Gov. W. R. (Kans.), greetings to natl. suff. conv, 341.
  • Stubbs, Mrs. W. R, 328.
  • Suffrage Schools, originated by Mrs. Catt, 538; large number in 1917, 539; Natl Amer. Assn. endorses, 368; in S. Dak, 556-7.

Sun, N. Y, suff. dept. under Paul Dana, 14.

  • Susan B. Anthony Amendment, 413; Natl. Assn. endorses; Stanton family and others object to name, 423; assn. re-endorses, 4523; 747.
  • Sutherland, U. S. Sen. George, 383; at Senate hearing, 462, 466; objects to attack on Mormons in anti-suff. speech, 467-8; introd. res. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 503; 630; 711.
  • Sutton, Lucy, 666.
  • Swanson, U. S. Sen. Claude A, 645.
  • Sweden, legal and polit. status of women, 51; 213.
  • Swift, Mary Wood, birthday gift to Miss Anthony, 1902, 40; speaks at natl. suff. conv. in New Orleans, 76; pres. Natl. Council of Women; brings its greetings to natl. conv. 1904, 106; bef: Senate com, 110; brings greetings in 1905, 120; 130; entertains suff. leaders, 150; greetings, 1907, 208


  • Taft, Gov. Genl. William Howard, on social evil in Philippines, 11; same, 44.
  • Taft, President William Howard, accepts invitation to welcome natl. suff. conv; while speaking sound like hissing heard; Dr. Shaw's distress, 269; text of speech, 271; officers of Natl. Assn. frame a res. of appreciation of his welcome to conv, which delegates endorse and send with letter expressing sorrow at the incident; the President returns a cordial answer, 272-3;