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also the giver of the mental riches unto men, that is, the bright understanding and the innate wisdom.[1] Ahura Mazda is her father and Spenta Armaiti, the embodiment of holy devotion, is her mother. The archangels, as well as Sraosha, Rashnu, and Mithra, are her brothers, and Daena, the genius of the holy faith of Zarathushtra, is her sister.[2] As the genius of plenty she joins Mithra, who increases pastures and fodder.[3] The seventeenth Yasht is dedicated to her. Parendi, Chisti, Erethe, and Rasanstat are invoked in her company.[4]

Ashi's attributes. She is bright, exalted, well-formed, well worthy of sacrifice, possessed of the bright chariot, courageous, giver of weal and health.[5] She is beautiful, shining with joy, and far-reaching through radiance.[6] She, the exalted one, is well-made and of noble origin, she rules at her will and is possessed of glory in her body.[7] She, the courageous one, carries all desirable things in her hands.[8] She is the protector, guardian, helper, healer, smiter of the malice of the demons and of the wicked men, the giver of good gifts, blessings, and success, and the bestower of the greatest, best, and the fairest reward unto men.[9] She comes in the shape of a well-built, beautiful, tall, high-up girded maiden of noble birth.[10]

Her supplicants. Haoshyangha, Yima, Thraetaona, Haoma, Haosravah, before Zoroaster, as well as the prophet himself and King Vishtaspa, his royal patron and helper in the propagation of the new faith, are among the most illustrious of her supplicants. These worshippers severally offered her sacrifices and asked for various boons from her, which she granted in answer to their prayers.[11] The most favoured among her votaries is Zarathushtra himself; for him her loving regard is great.[12] This is because the prophet himself is the visible embodiment of sanctity on earth and the promoter of righteousness among men.

  1. Yt. 17. 2.
  2. Yt. 17. 2, 16.
  3. Yt. 10. 66.
  4. Yt. 17. 62; Sr. 1. 25.
  5. Ys. 2. 14; 57. 3; Yt. 17. 1; Sr. 2. 25.
  6. Yt. 17. 6.
  7. Yt. 17. 15.
  8. Yt. 17. 7-14.
  9. Ys. 52. 1-3.
  10. Yt. 13. 107.
  11. Yt. 17. 24-26, 28-31, 33-35, 37-39, 41-43, 45-47, 49-52, 61.
  12. Yt. 17. 17-22.