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Inhibition issued by the Pope | 251 | |
Appeal from the Pope to Christendom | 252 | |
Charles V. at Bologna | 254 | |
Clement the Seventh | 255 | |
The European Powers and the Papacy | 256 | |
Mission of the Earl of Wiltshire to the Emperor | 258 | |
Attitude of Clement | 260 | |
The Opinions of the Universities | 263 | |
Bribery and Intimidation | 263 | |
Conduct of the Lutherans | 265 | |
The University of Paris | 267 | |
Letter of Reginald Pole | 272 | |
Oxford and Cambridge | 273 | |
The King's Remedy | 276 | |
Submission of Oxford | 278 | |
Similar Proceedings at Cambridge | 278 | |
A Sunday at Windsor | 279 | |
Results of the Collection of Opinions | 283 | |
The King's Book | 285 | |
Change in the Position of the Clergy | 287 | |
The Statutes of Provisors | 289 | |
The Clergy in the Premunire | 294 | |
They are Fined | 295 | |
The King must be called Head of the Church | 296 | |
Resistance of the Clergy | 298 | |
They are compelled to submit | 299 | |
Attempt to poison the Bishop of Rochester | 301 | |
Poisoning declared High Treason | 303 | |
Punishment of the Poisoner | 305 |