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Travel and Adventure, the Colonies, &c. continued.

Bicknell. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE IN NORTHERN QUEENSLAND. By ARTHUR C. BICKNELL. With 24 Plates and 22 Illustrations in the text. 8vo., 15-y.

Brasaey. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS OF LORD BRASSEY, K.C.B., D.C.L., 1862- 1894. Arranged and Edited by Captain

S. EARDLEY-WlLMOT. 2 vols. Cr.

8vo., ICM.


Library Edition. With 8 Maps and Charts, and 118 Illustrations. 8vo. ,


Cabinet Edition. With Map and 66 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 75. 6d.

Silver Library Edition. With 66 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 3^. 6d.

Popular Edition. With 60 Illustra- tions. 4to., 6d. sewed, is. cloth,

School Edition. With 37 Illustrations. Fcp., 2J.cloth, or 3J. white parchment. SUNSHINE AND STORM IN THE EAST.

Library Edition. With 2 Maps and 141 Illustrations. 8vo., 2is.

Cabinet Edition. With 2 Maps and 114 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. ,75. 6d.

Popular Edition. With 103 Illustra- tions. 410. , 6d. sewed, is. cloth. IN THE TRADES, THE TROPICS, AND


Cabinet Edition. With Map and 220 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. , js. 6d.

Popular Edition. With 183 Illustra- tions. 410., 6d. sewed, is. cloth. THREE VOYAGES IN THE ' SUNBEAM '.

Popular Edition. With 346 Illustra- tions. 410. , r zs. 6d.

Browning. A GIRL'S WANDERINGS IN HUNGARY. By H. ELLEN BROWN- ING. With Map and 20 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. . js. 6d.

Froude (JAMES A.).

OCEANA : or England and her Colonies. With 9 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 2S. boards, zs. 6d. cloth.

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Knight (E. F.).

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Lees and Clutterbuck. B. C. 1887 : A RAMBLE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. By J. A. LEES and W. J. CLUTTERBUCK. With Map and 75 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo., y.6d.

Nansen (FRIDTJOF). THE FIRST CROSSING OF GREENLAND With numerous Illustrations and 2 Map. Crown 8vo., y. 6d.

ESKIMO LIFE. With 31 Illustrations. 8vo., i6s.

Oliver. CRAGS AND CRATERS : Ram- bles in the Island of Reunion. By WILLIAM DUDLEY OLIVER, M.A. With 27 Illustrations and a Map. Cr. 8vo. , 6s.

I Peary. MY ARCTIC JOURNAL: a Year among Ice-Fields and Eskimos. By JOSEPHINE DIEBITSCH-PEARY. With 19 Plates, 3 Sketch Maps, and 44 Illustrations in the Text. 8vo., 125.

Quillinaii JOURNAL OF A FEW MONTHS' RESIDENCE IN PORTUGAL, and Glimpses of the South of Spain. By Mrs. QUILLINAN (Dora Words- worth). New Edition. Edited, with Memoir, by EDMUND LEE, Author of 'Dorothy Wordsworth.' etc. Crown 8vo., 6.?.