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The Silver Library continued.

Clodd's (E.) Story of Creation : a Plain Account of Evolution. With 77 Illus- trations, y. 6d.

Conybeare (Rev. W. J.) and Howson'a (Very Rev. J. 8.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 46 Illustrations. 3^. 6d.

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Doyle's (A. Conan) Micah Clarke : a Tale of Monmouth's Rebellion. 10 Illus. y.6d.

Doyle's (A. Conan) The Captain of the

Polestar, and other Tales, y. 6d.

Doyle's (A. Gonan) The Refugees : A

Tale of Two Continents. With 25 Illustrations, y. 6d.

Froude's (J. A.) The History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 35. 6d. each.

Froude'a (J. A.) The English in Ireland. 3 vols. IQS. 6d.

Froude's (J. A.) Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 vols. 35. 6d. each.

Froude's (J. A.) The Spanish Story of the Armada, and other Essays, y. 6d.

Froude's (J. A.) The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. y. 6d.

Froude's (J. A.) Thomas Carlyle: a History of his Life.

1795-1835. 2 VOls. 7-T. 1834-1881. 2 VOls. 7J.

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Haggard's (H. R.) Allan Quatermain.

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With 51 Illustrations. 3^. 6d.

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Haggard's (H. R.) Nada the Lily. With 23 Illustrations. y. 6d.

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Haggard's (H. R.) The People of the Hist. With 16 Illustrations. 3J. 6d.

Haggard (H. R.) and Lang's (A.) The World's Desire. With 27 Illus. y. 6d.

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Howitt's (W.) Visits to Remarkable Places. 80 Illustrations. y. 6d.

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Jefferies' (R.) Field and Hedgerow. With Portrait. 3*. 6d.

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Jefferies' (R.) The Toilers of the Field. With Portrait from the Bust in Salis- bury Cathedral. y. 6d.

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Knight's (E. F.) Where Three Empires Meet : a Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Baltistan, Gilgit. With a Map and 54 Illustra- tions, y. 6d

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Lang's (A.) Angling Sketches. 20 Illus. y.6d.