Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 1).djvu/693

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     called the Braunc' bought for the
     galiot vj.

   To John de Gys for two timbers
     called Tymon (rudder?) iij.

   To Saubatus de Laste for iiij.
     timbers called Juillate xii.

   To Garsia Arñ de Castere for xviij.
     tostes iij.

And many similar entries, mentioning ij. band'. ij. latons xxviiij. lattes (laths). Estaunzons (staunchions). xviij. boards

of Byerñ for scanull nails of Tylate, Rym, and tasse. a virga (or yard). Cavill' and Coynz. Tymon (rudder ?). breo albo. x pipes for cisera at iij. s. ix. d. each, nails of Solira, and of Tilat iiij. Corbatouns. Chastereux of the yard., repairing a broken anchor.

                                            £ s. d. To John Garsia de Baeryz (Biarritz) for his spinace hired of him for seeking and carrying the victuals for the mariners of the two galleys of our lord the King, and of one galeot, and for other necessary carriages by sea from Capebretoñ to England whenever necessary xlv. vj. Wages of the mariners conducting the galley "St. George" from Bayonne to England xxxv. xviij. iij. sterling. Wages &c. "St. Edward" xxij. x. viij. sterling.

   Wages &c. the galiot xvij. iij. ix.

Sum total of all the expenses incurred ccc. iiij^{xx}. j. l. xviij. s. viij. d. money equivalent to c.j. l. xvj. s. viij. d. sterling ij. d. money.[1]

  1. Add. MSS. 17364.