Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 2).djvu/607

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 8,500 | Charles Grant | Messrs. Hyde and Lennox | Feby. 15, 1834.
  .. | Duchess of Athol | . . | . .
  .. | Duchess of Sussex | . . | . .
  .. | Dunira, to be broken up. | . . | . .
10,700 | Earl of Balcarras | Thomas A. Shuter, Esq. | Sept. 17, 1834.
 7,500 | Edinburgh | James Gardner, Esq. | July 2, 1834.
 6,000 | Farquharson, laid up. | Joseph Somes, Esq. | May 23, 1834.
 6,600 |{George the Fourth, } | John Nicholson, Esq. | May 28, 1834.
       |{ outward bound } | |
 6,600 | General Harris, broke up | Joseph Christall, Esq. | Oct. 29, 1831.
 6,250 | General Hewett | William Tindall, Esq. | Sept. 22, 1830.
 9,100 | General Kyd | John Pirie, Esq. | Oct. 8, 1834.
  .. | Herefordshire | . . | . .
 9,150}| |{Bought in by Owners | Oct. 30, 1834.
 8,000}| Inglis |{Bought in by Capt. J. C. |
       | |{ Lochner. | Nov. 15, 1834.
 5,900 | Kellie Castle | Capt. R. Pattallo | Nov. 1834.
10,000 | Lady Melville | John Campbell, Esq. | Aug. 1832.
 8,650}| Lowther Castle, to be } | Joseph Somes, Esq. |{Sept. 24, 1830.
 5,300}| broken up } | |{June 18, 1834.
 5,900 | London, broke up | Thomas Ward, Esq. | May 7, 1834.
 7,500 | Lord Lowther | Capt. A. Grant | July 16, 1834.
  .. | Marquis of Camden, at sea | . . | . .
  .. |{Marquis of Huntly, to } | |
       |{ be broken up } | . . | . .
 7,000 | Marquis of Wellington | Don Pedro | Sept. 11, 1832.
 9,400}| Minerva, for Captain's } | |
 2,400}| stores at sea } | Henry Templer, Esq. | Aug. 20, 1831.
 6,600 | Orwell, at sea | Messrs. Isacke and Co. | Jany. 21, 1834.
 6,500 | Prince Regent, at sea | Messrs. Wigrams and Green | Sept. 28, 1830.
 3,000 |{Princess Charlotte of } | |
       |{ Wales, broke up } | J. Childers, Esq. | April 20, 1831.
  .. | Reliance | . . | . .
 4,500 | Rose | Bought in by Owners | Oct. 16, 1834.
 6,900}| |{Henry Templer, Esq. | Aug. 6, 1834.
13,500}| Scaleby Castle. |{Bought by Jas. Walkingshaw,} |
       | |{ Esq., with stores, and } |
       | |{ ready for sea } | Oct. 11, 1834.
  .. | Sir David Scott | . . | . .
10,700 | Thames | John R. Pidding, Esq. | Aug. 1832.
 3,550 | Thames, 40/64th of ship | James Christall, Esq. | Sept. 10, 1834.
  .. |{Thomas Coutts, outward } | |
       |{ bound } | . . | . .
  .. | Vansittart | . . | . .
 6,650 | Thomas Grenville, laid up | Messrs. Ward and Somes | July 2, 1834.
  .. | Warren Hastings | . . | . .
  .. |{Waterloo, materials sold,}| |
       |{ and began breaking up,} | At Public Sale | June 11, 1834.
       |{ fetched about £7,200.} | |
  .. | William Fairlie | . . | . .
  .. | Winchelsea, broke up | . . | 1833.
 7,950 | Windsor | William Dallas, Esq. | Nov. 13, 1834.